part 18

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Swara opened her eyes feeling Sunray on her eyes. She looked towards her daughter who was cuddling in her father arm. She made Sanvi sleep in bed at night as she is not ready to sleep in cradle so she slept taking her in arm. She sign heavily and got from the bed and went to fresh up.

Sanskaar sleep got disturb, he opened his eyes and looked towards his doll who was cuddling him, he smiled. He about to kiss her forehead but stopped remembering a swara word. He depart her from him and made her sleep properly.

He turned other side were his eyes fell on his wife who was standing infront of mirror wearing wiping wet hair.  She was wearing pink sari, her blouse string still opened. Her hair standing in one side were some still sticking on her back, droplets falling from that hairs on back. He got mesmerized seeing morning Beauty.

Sanskaar looking at her without blinking his eyes. She placed towel side and start tieing her blouse but it's getting her difficult to tie. She did several attempt but failed. Sanskaar got up from the bed and walked towards her. He stand behind her and took string in his hand making swara shock.

" What are you doing??" Swara shout but Sanskaar kept finger on her lips making swara shut. She is looking towards him angrily.

" If you don't want to do anything then just keep quiet" He removed his finger from her lips and made her turn showing her back to him.

He removed hair with finger tip which made swara Shivered. She closed her eyes tightly clutching her sari in tight fist. He hold her string and tied in one go.

" Done" Sanskaar moved from there. She opened her eyes and looked towards Sanskaar who was already went from there.

" How can you see her like this Sanskaar??" Sanskaar hit her hand on wall, standing under shower.

Her phone beeped. She took mobile and opened the massage.
" If you want to know truth meet me xyz place at 11 am but don't tell anyone" unknown no. She got confused. She tried to call but switch off.

" Who want to tell me truth?? I should go there" Swara said thinking. She came in the kitchen were her mother in law working. It is been 2 day they came from hospital.

" Mom what are you doing here?? You must rest" said swara helping her to making breakfast.

" I am getting bore taking rest. I am now totally fine" said Sujata giving smile. Sujata accept swara with opened heart like a daughter. Both start arranging breakfast on table.  Soon crying voice come from Sanskaar room.

" Swara you go, sanvi is crying" Sujata said taking plates from her hand.

" Sanskaar will see her" said Swara without, thinking Sanskaar stop her from crying but her crying voice got more loud. Swara hurriedly went upstairs, she stopped on the door.

" Doll plz stop crying, your Mumma must be coming" Sanskaar trying to stop her crying were tears form in his eyes as Sanvi laying on her back while crying forwarding her hand towards Sanskaar so he can took her in arm.

Swara immediately went towards her with teary eyes and pick up from the bed and cooed her patting her back were she still looking towards Sanskaar.

" Can't you stay in the room?? You know that she will get up and cry" Sanskaar shout on her still looking towards Sanvi who is red due to crying. He just want to take her in  arm and hug her tightly.

" You are there so I thought you will pic her" swara said patting sanvi back  who still sobbing in her arm.

" You only want me to stay away from her" he greeted his own teath were swara cursed herself forgetting her own words.  He went downstairs taking his belonging to go for office.

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