part 8

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Sanskaar sitting in the study room, drinking his alcohol thinking about the something. Now a days he shifted his drinking place room to study.

"How can you drink alone living your father" Ram said placing glass infront of the Sanskaar while settling beside Sanskaar.

"Dad you can't drink " sankaar said in drunken tone.

"Why can't I" Ram said getting up, he goes towards the table which was present in the room,he come again taking box and set beside him.

"Why are you asking me knowing the answer??" Sankaar said making one more glass empty.

"I can't see my son to playing with his heath" Ram said taking his hand which having deep cut.

"Dad nothing happens just live it" Sanskaar said trying to a windrow his hand.

"I can't see you in pain so Stop struggling" Ram said in hell anoying tone while dressing his wound.

"I should make you proud on this age but what I am a doing?? Because of me you are listening from the other. You are feeling shame on me right" said sankaar statistics smile were guilty surrounded inside the heart.

" I don't know what people say about you ,may be all proof against you and I don't want any proof to believe that you are a innocent. May be I don't spend time with you like your mother but I know everything about you" Ram said proudly.

"You know I did not expected that day you will support me that day... I love you dad" Sanskaar hug ram

"I know and I love you too now get up" Ram said getting up.

"No you go I am coming afterwords" Sankaar said feeling one more glass.

"Ok" saying this he sit beside him.

"Dad" saying this he get up from couch because he knew that, his dad will not get up till he will not go and he can't take any risk about his health.

He stumble but Ram held him Sanskaar smile showing his full teeth. Ram sign, he knows now alcohol take his sense.

"Dad don't worry, I can walk it's just that my legs gone mad who can't stand properly" Sankaar said smilingly looking his own leg.

"Yaa I know" saying this Ram drag Sanskaar towards the room.

He drink so much when something bothering him which he don't want to remember at least sometime. He just wants to be forget afternoon insident.

Swara sitting on couch,patting sanvi back who resting  head on crook of her neck while yawning.

"Shona don't getting sleep" swara said patting her back as She struggling in her shoulder.

Afternoon insident roming in her mind, she trying to forget that kiss which is disturbing her like hell.

"I will never forgive you Sanskaar" swara said in mind disgustingly.

Listening knock on the door, she get up from couch, place sanvi in the cradle and walk toward the door to open. She open the door.

Sankaar standing on the door while taking support of his father, smiling like idiot. Swara immediately lowerd her gaze.

"Dad now you can go" Sanskaar said smilingly looking towards his dad.

"No let me help you to sleep" Ram said knowing his condition.

"Don't you trust me like other Dad" Sanskaar asked him making sad face.

"I trust you my son" Ram said helplessly seeing his condition.

"You know dad you are world best dad in the world and I love you" Sankaar said kissing Ram cheeks happily.

"I know" saying this Ram left from there were swara just feeling pity for Ram who was trusting his son blindly.

Sanskaar enter in the room with a unstable feet, swara close door and come behind him, he about to fall but swara hold him from a waist unknowingly.

"Ohhhh thanks.. but I can walk...see" Sanskaar said trying to walk more giving his smile

"Ya I know how much you can walk" swara said in mind while making mocking face were she again hold him who is going to be fall again.

"I am sorry" Sankaar said

"For what" swara asked him uninterestingly.

"For what mean for kiss, you know I did not wanted to kiss you but it's your mistake , you make me angry which I lost my control on myself that's why I was telling you to stop speaking further but you"Sanskaar said shaking his head

Swara lowers her eyes not wanting to see him, tear escape from the her eyes.

"Don't cry" Sanskaar wipes her tears with thumb. Swara look upward to look him thinking was he same Sankaar who is hating him,who never leave a chance to hurt her.

"You know if you had not gave that proof to that Sahil then people never called me rapist" Sankaar said sadly.

"But truth never change"swara said angrily making some distance between them.

"You know my dad and doll only love me... Where is my doll?? Sanskaar said looking here and there.

"Doll?" Swara asked him confusingly

"There is my doll" Sanskaar said pointing towards sanvi who was sleeping peacefully.

Sankaar walk towards Sanvi, Sankaar about to touch her but swara jerk his hand.

"Don't touch her, she slept now only don't disturb her" swara said controlling her anger.

"No, she will not wake up" saying this he kiss her cheeks making Sanvi smile in sleep.

" I told you na she only loves me, see now she is smiling in sleep also" Sanskaar said proudly were swara kept quiet.

She also can't denied that her daughter like this men, she never want to go anyone but with him always try to go. She don't getting why she want to go with him.

"I am not rapist swara trust me" sankaar said placing his head on her shoulder making her shock.

"Sanskaar" saying this she try to get up him but she realised he fall unconscious .

She takes him to the bed with great difficulty and make him lied  down. There is no emotion present in her face,just black face.

To be continued...

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