🌲tree boy🌲

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Salut! Je suis Evan, et je, don't speak French very well.

That's why I'm taking a french class. No! Not to impress anyone! It's to, to get the attention of a really pretty foreign exchange student that just so happens to be my best friend. He's just so pretty and, funny and, and oh my God he's so short it's so adorable! I mean how could you not want to impress a guy like that? Between his rad French accent and his adorable glasses what's there not to love? I just really want to ask him out. But like, in French? Oh god I'm a disaster bi.... But you know what? I don't care. I'm going to learn, and then I'm going to ask him out! Yup.

I'm scared.


I furiously type will you go out with me into google translate. "veux-tu sortir avec moi?" The robotic 'french' voice reads aloud. "Vex-to soreie avec moi?" No no that was definitely wrong. I tap the repeat button on my phone so the audio starts up again. This time making sure to press pause after each word. "Veux-tu," it starts. "Veux-tu." "Sortir," "Sortir." "Avec moi?" "Avec moi." There I think I've got the pronunciation down. Itry putting the sentence all together again. "Veux-tu sortir avec moi?" Damn. That sounded like total crap. I nibble on my lip and furrow my eyebrows in consideration. Maybe... Maybe he'll just find it charming that I tried? I repeat the sentence one more time slowly. Thats when something hits my bedroom window. I peek out and see Jared standing there in all his glory.

Wowza he's pretty. How am I friends with that- "You just gonna look at me? Or an I come in?" He laughs and knocks on my window again. I curse my easily side tracked brain silently as I quickly open the window. He scrambles in making his shirt ride up a bit. Damn look at that stomach- No, no Evan stop be cool. I take a shakey breath. "What's up acorn?" He gives me a lopsided grin. "Nothing, nothing much! What's up with you? I mean you're the one who climbed in through the window. My mom's not here you know you could've just came through the door- I'm rambling so much I'm sorry." He laughs at me and my awkwardness as he places his hand on his hip. "Je t'aime garçon de l'arbre." His eyes widen, like he didn't expect to say what he did."Wha, what does that mean?" I ask. He shakes his head frantically. "Non. Not, Not important." He seems, embarrassed? But why? I really,  really should learn French.

"Did you need something?" I ask. "Oui, I was uh," he scratched the back of his neck. "I was wondering if, if y-you want..." He trails off. I shush him. "V-veux-tu sortir a-avec moi?" My face is burning up and I hope with everything I have inside of me that I pronounced that right. His eyes widen again while I await his answer with my breath held. "OUI! Yes yes I love to!" he pulls me into a bone crushing hug. I chuckle. "Wait, Vous comprenez le français?" I give him a confused look. "Nevermind." He smiles at me. "I'd love to go out with you garçon de l'arbre~" I pull him back into our hug and nuzzle my face into the thin fabric of his signature red button up. "what does that mean jare?" I feel his shoulder bounce with a small chuckle. "It means 'id love to go out with you garçon of the tree." I'm calling you a tree because you're an acorn." I snort. "You fall out of one trees-" Jared giggles. "Oui. let's call it one." I push him away playfully. "Shut uuuup you act like you've never fallen out fallen out of a tree before! It's not as weird as you're trying to make it seem! It's perfectly normal for an.... Eighteen year old man to fall out of- you're right I'm a nut." Jared doubles over laughing. "At least you're a cute nut!"

This man-


So uuuuh I'm rewriting all of my crap one shots lol I'll still have the originals tho enjoy some better written one shots lol

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