that doesn't count

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"Uhhhhhhhg" Evan whines covering his face so he doesn't have to watch the kiss scene on the TV. Jared chuckles "what's wrong tree boy? Can't handle a little kissing~" he teases, pushing his shoulder and almost making the boy fall of of his bed. "M-akes me saaaaad" he replies. Jared rolls his eyes. "So you. Evan hansen, made ME watch fucking T I T A N I C a really freaking sad movie, and you're sad at the kissing part??? You good?? That doesn't seem normal." He laughs hysterically. "Shut up" he shoves the shorter of the two. "I'm not some weirdo! I-it-it makes me sad 'cuz nobody'll ever kiss me like that... I lost my chances with Zoe, and who else is going to kiss this...?" He points at his face and looks down a bit.

Jared bites his lip a little, hesitates for a moment then tilts his head up, smashing their lips together. He kisses the taller dude for a few moments then pulls away "there. Now watch the movie." He mutters looking away. "Y-y-you just kissed me!" Jared nods. "Aww c'mon! That doesn't count!" He complains, causing Jared to pause the movie. "Why the hell didn't it?" I did it wrong huh? God im an idiot... He thinks.

"Cuz im n-not in love with you!" He lies.  " of course you're not..." Jared smiles trying to hide the intense pain the sentence caused him. "I should go dude I've got a load of studying to do." He gets off Evan's bed and pulls his shoes on. "D-dont you wanna finish the movie first?" He bites his lip watching the boy get ready to leave. "There's no point." He grabs his bag and walks out before the boy has time to question it. Evan shakes his head, trying to clear his thoughts and darts up. "Jared!" He runs after his best friend.

"Wooooow there buddy," Mrs Hansen stands in front of Jared and places her hands on his shoulders lovingly. "Where you goin so soon? I thought you were stayin the night with Ev?" "Uh umm..." Jared stumbles over his words and starts to tear up. "Jared!" Evan yells from the top of the stairs. He quickly spots the pair in front of the door and sprints down the stairs carefully.  Jared balls his fist trying to calm himself down, then turns to face his best friend. He tries to stay cool and collected, but then he bursts into tears. As soon as Evan was safely down the stairs he grabs the front of Jared's Star Wars shirt and pulls him into a deep and passionate kiss. Jared's  eyes widen, then flutter closed.

Heidi covers her mouth trying really hard not to screech with delight. I've been waiting for Evy to tell him for so long!

Evan pulls away. "I was lying..." He whispers. "It does count" he continues, hoping Jared gets his attempted subtly. Jared shakes his head. "Nope doesn't cut it. You gotta actually say it." He smirks causing Evan to roll his eyes. "I-i love you."

"Oooooh myyy godddd!" Heidi squeals bouncing around on her heals. "MOM!" Evan hides his face in his hands. "sorry! Sorry, continue." She beams.

"I love you too idiot." Jared giggles.

Holy crap that felt good to say

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