✨soulmate au pt two✨

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Holy. Fuck.

Jared's my soulmate. I can't believe it. If I'd known i'd've responded to him so much sooner!

I, I would have responded...

Before I could finish that thought I broke down sobbing. All this time I thought they'd hate me! I just assumed he would. I need to tell him. But how? I can't just go up to him and say 'hey uh I'm your soulmate. Sorry!' he'll hate me! I mean, he probably already does. I don't think he ever fully forgave me after the whole Connor Project thing. And I honestly don't blame him if he hasn't. I was a complete asshole to him, and everybody.

Shit, I don't even forgive me. But I got so blinded by my 'love' for Zoe that who I hurt to get her didn't matter. Notice how love is in quotations, I thought I loved her, I wanted to love her, but I soon realized I didn't want anything to do with her romantically. I didn't want anything romanticly with any girl for that matter. She would always want to be all over me and it made me so uncomfortable. Only now do I realize that the only person I've ever wanted to be all over me was Jared. Not in a dirty way! Just... When he hugs me I feel safe. Where as, when Zoe hugged me I just wanted it to be over as soon as possible. God I'm a dick wow. I feel so bad for what I did to Zoe...

I need to see Jared. I- before I could even fully think it though im grabbing my house keys and yelling to my mom that I'm going to Jared's. I dont know why i do she's not home. I'm never this reckless, but when the happiness of my best friend and soulmate is on the line you better believe I'm not thinking straight. I only realize that I  basically invited myself over when I was knocking at his door. Shit! He's going to be mad! He isn't going to let me in!

I was getting deeper and deeper into a panic attack when he opens the door. "Oh, hey treeboy." Whatever ghost of a panic attack that was building up in my stomach was gone the instant I hear how excited he sounds. "Hi jare." He looks up at me and his face falls. "Have you been crying?" He asks putting his hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah.... But I'm ok." I smile at him. "Are you sure?" He asked concerned. "Yeah! Why are so excited?" I ask even though I know why he is. He gasped and only then do I realize that I don't have a coat on. I look down to my arms then at him. He's crying now and hugging me. "U-uh Jared?" I pretend to not know what's happening. "Your my soulmate Evan!!" He pulls up his sleeve and shows me his arms with the same writings as mine. I chuckle and say, "I know."  Then pull him into a hug. We just stand in his door way hugging for a long while.

When we finally pull away I gently grip his hand and turn it around to look at the older times he tried contacting me. He gasped and tries to cover them up, but realizes that I infact have the same words on my skin. I pull his arm up to my mouth and kiss every word. By the time I'm done we're both a blushing mess.

"Thanks for not thinking that's weird..." He looks down still obviously flustered. "Of course it's not weird! My mother taught me to never kiss a weirdo. And I just kissed you like twelve times! Your my best friend and soulmate," he blushes. "I just want to love, love you... Please just let me make my silence up to you." He pulls me into another hug and I kiss the top of his head.

"If you want me to listen get on your knees and b e g."

I push him off "you did not just quote that-" he smirks. "You made me think that you weren't real for three full years. I think a lil begging is necessary." He pushes his glasses up.

"Oh my God you're such a dork." I take a few steps back and literally drop to my knees. "Please, please Jared forgive me if I'd've known it was you I would have never ever ignored you! I'm so sorry I will never ignore you, ignore you again!"

Jared snorts and pulls me up by the collar of my polo. "i wasn't serious acorn. But that was hot I wanna kiss you now." Oh god he's blunt. I stare at him wide eyed with rosy cheeks. "....can I?" I nod softly and lean down he tilts his head to the side and softly presses our lips together.

The hottest part was when he asked me for my consent. Very cool.

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