✨soulmate au pt 1✨

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My soulmate had a bad day. How do i know that? They told me so. They talk to me frequently, updating me on their day and asking me about mine. I've never had the courage to respond to them though. It hurts knowing the person I'm destion to be with wants to talk to me so bad and my not responding is hurting them. I don't want them to stop trying and leave me alone, but I literally cant bring myself to talk to them. I start to worry that I'll say something stupid and they'll hate me and never want to meet me because I'm a stupid dumb face. It's ridiculous and selfish, but I legitimately can't do it. I've tried so many times but the anxiety in my heart makes it impossible to get something out. I don't know them yet, but I hope eventually I'll be fixed enough to respond and sweep them off their feet. I want to respond to them so bad! I've contemplated answering them, but I'm always too scared to try. What if they find out who I am and are grossed out? What if, what if, what if. Dmmit anxiety.

- three days ago -

Im in the shower when my leg starts to tingle. I was already naked, so it was easy for me to see the lines forming. It was words. They read, are you even out there? In big letters on my thigh. I freaked out and almost fell.

- present day -

Almost four days later and it's still there. Wait, what if me not replying this time made them think I'm gone? Grief fled my system. The thought makes my eyes go wide and tear up.

Tears pour out of my eyes as I fumble around trying to find a pen. When I finally found one i wrote - very shakealy I might add - on my arm, I'm so sorry I didn't respond! Please dont think I'm gone! Please I'm so sorry!!!

I go into a complete panic and pace around my messy room with my hands in my hair.  

They responded way faster than I thought they would. You're real? That hurts my heart a little. Yes! I am! I'm so sorry that I made you think I wasn't!!! The thought of them being so upset that they thought I wasn't real filled me to the brim with sadness, but oh my fuck im talking to my soulmate!

Yeah... Actually. The ' actually ' has a smug. Like a tear fell onto it. I'm so sorry! I should have responded! The tears have returned. It's ok. but there isn't much more space on my arm. Continue it on a leg? I smile sadly. Sure sorry for writing so big.

No no it's totally fine! I was so scared you weren't out there you could write any way and I'd be happy lol. That one hurt a lot. I am so fucking sorry about that... I was scared that you'd hate me if I said something stupid. It's not an excuse for just not replying at all for like three years though I'm so sorry! It takes him a minute to respond to that. It's ok really let's just get to know each other. I'm 17 and I'm a guy. I gulp. Here goes nothing. Ditto hope that's not weird. I swear I could FEEL that he laughed at me. Of course it isn't you dingus you're my soulmate lol

After that we had a long, amazing conversation. Who knew somebody could be that freaking charming??? And funny! Wowza I'm so lucky!

Gotta crunch lol my mom's calling me. Oh. My. Fuck. I've only EVER heard one person say that. EVER! I can't let him know I know who he is. He'd be disappointed. Ok. Bye no name! <3 :)

With the new found knowledge of not only who, but what my soulmate's like I fish a new notebook out of my backpack and throw the front cover open. I write on the top of the first page: 

Information about the love of my life:

• his favorite color is red

• he's 17

• he has heterochromia! It's super pretty

• he likes stupid youtuber songs "ironically" (it's not ironically he just likes them! How cute?)

• he's a computer wiz

• he loves to laugh at scary movies

• he already has a full scholarship to MIT (even though senior year hasn't even started yet)

• he's so fucking smart like leaps and bounds smarter than me it's so hot-

• I've already been in love with him for like seven years

• he's an asshole but if he wasn't he wouldn't be so charming

• he's the stupidest smart person I know

• his favorite show is hells kitchen because he likes it when Gordon Ramses yells at people

• and his name's Jared Kleinman...

"My soulmate is Jared Kleinman."

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