💞300 views special💞

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~continuation of 200 view special~

HOLY FUCKING FUCK IM GETTING MARRIED TOMORROW. FUCK!  There is absolutely no way I'm sleeping tonight. I miss my soon to be husband. Who's idea was it to sleep in separate rooms again?

Oh right. It was mine. well it's rather break the agreement and go cuddle with the literal love of my life, or just text him. And I'm lazy and overwhelmed. So texting it is.

LOML🤡💕: Jare you up?

Soon to be hubby: obviously I'm up. How could I sleep knowing what's happening tomorrow?

E: Im so nervous! Oh GOD what if I start stuttering through my vows- oh shit-

J: you stutter I kiss you in the middle of your vows headass.

E: now that's just incentive to stutter you bastard.

J: evan I have literally never wanted to kiss you more.
J: it's unbearable.

I chuckle while typing out my response.

E: thats gay.
E: oh c'mon!
E: I'm hilarious. You're just being a dick

J: loser. I love you.

E: I'm calling you.

J: isn't that like..... Against the rules?

I scoff and hit call.

"Hey acorn" Jared answers the call with his husky unused voice. Jesus that's hot. "Hey jare! Oh my god I can't wait to marry you." I start to tear up. I want to be with him so bad right now. "I miss you." He states pushing me over the edge. I start quietly crying. "Evan? Evan babe are you crying? Love are you ok??" I blush at the whole 'love' remark he only calls me that when I'm upset. "Yeah! I'm fine, I'm fine! I just can't believe it!" I hear him exhale. "Oh thank God! I thought you were getting cold feet." I giggle. "Of course not! I love you way too much dumbass." He sighs contently. "Will you sing for me?" Well that's an idea. "Absolutely. Any requests?" He yawns. "No. Just anything that's in your beautiful, screwed up head." I chuckle and begin singing. " Oh, Mrs. Believer my pretty sleeper, your twisted mind is like snow on the road your shaking shoulders prove that it's colder inside your head, than the winter of dead. I will tell you I love you~ but the muffs on your ears will cater your fears. My nose and feet are running as we start to travel through snow. Together we go~" I hear soft snores and I know he's asleep. I just can't wait to marry him.


I AM GETTING MARRIED IN F I V E FUCKING HOURS! I- FUCK. Im so ready! I can just picture our lives together. We're going to have kids. That's already been decided. Well, not have kids, but we will most definitely be adopting. No question. We'll live in our amazing house and have the most amazing life! I just can't wait to start!

(A/N This one's short lol sorry)

(old a/n)
316 views???? Thank you so much! I honestly don't deserve it lol

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