🌼Easter special🌼

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Evan and i have been dating for four years today. I already had something special planned for him, then I heard that it's Easter. Coincidence? Maybe. perfect? Extremely.

Not only is it 'the Lord's day', it's also Evans favorite holiday.... Despite being jewish. That nerd just really loves his nature and shit.

So needless to say I have an extremely romantic day planned for him. Not to toot my own horn or anything but,,,,, it's flawless. I'm a genius. The first phase of my ingenious plan is to get him out of the house. I get up from were I was cuddling with him on the couch to make a super secret phone call. "Baaaabe!" Evan whines evidently not wanting me to leave. "Hold on nerd, I just have to make a call. I'll be back before you know I'm gone." I reassure him. He groans "come back to sleep!" I chuckle at the reference then I head to our bedroom. 

I quickly dial up his mom. "Hi, uh, Mrs. Hansen would you be willing to district your son so I can set up something?" "Oh Jared, I'd love to! But what have I said! You know you can call me mom!" I chuckle a bit. "Yeah yeah I know." We banter a bit and I tell her what I'm planning. She squeals a lot and practically deafens me. At this rate I'll be blind and deaf before may.

A well known fact about Evan "treeboy nerd adorable acorn bastard bitch" Hansen is that he absolutely LOVES trees. He loves them! Like, I honestly used to be scared he'd leave me for one. But back to the plan. Yesterday I went to Home Depot and bought like six saplings. Fruit, nut, normal ect. When I go pick them up I'm also going to buy him his favorite flowers, sunflowers, and when I get home I'm going to set up. Out on the path in the backyard I'm going to light candles and make a trail of rose petals leading to the garden. Once he makes his way there he'll see all of the saplings i planted in a makeshift little half circle. And in that half circle a picnic.

Yeah I know it sounds like a lot... But he deserves it. He puts up with my bullshit on the daily and I love him more than anything in this world so basically I'd do anything to make him happy.


Sunday morning. Time to put my plans into action. Mrs. Hansen just picked up Evan and I'm ready to go get his saplings.

After getting dressed and ready to go I head out.

Time skip brought to you by Michael Scott

I straighten out my suit for possibly the hundredth time while waiting for Evan in the crappy half circle. I really really hope he likes it. I hear his moms car pull up in the driveway. Well, here goes nothing. And,,,, everything? Shit I'm nervous.

Evans pov

"Bye Mom, I had fun!" She smiles and says, "me too love. I'll see you soon." Then drives away. She seems so excited? I wonder what's going on.

I walk into the house expecting to see Jared in his browsing position on the couch trolling Tumblr. But my meme of a boyfriend is nowhere in sight. Huh weird... I'm placing a bag with his present in the kitchen when I see rose petals on the floor. Ok now this is even weirder. I follow the petals through the laundry room and out to the backyard.

That's when I see it.

Jared is on one knee in the middle of about five trees. Oh. My. God!!!

Teary eyed I walk all the way up to him. "J-jare?" He looks into my eyes from his spot on the floor.

"Dear, Evan Hansen, I hope you'll always remember today. Because today your you, and that's more than enough. I love you with my whole heart and soul, and it would be such an honor if I could call you Evan Kleinman." He pulls out a velvet box and opens it to show a beautiful blue ring.

"Yes yes yes! I love you so much!!" I throw myself into his arms making him fall into the dirt. "Woah there watch my glasses!" I giggle nuzzling my tear stained and smiley face into the shoulder of his nice suite.

"I love you so much!" He chuckles taking his glasses off and wrapping his arms around me, squeezing me tight. "I love you too acorn." I cup his face in my hands and kiss him deeply. "It's gonna be Jared Hansen by the way." I mumble against his lips. "In your dreams scrub." I snort and press my forehead to his. "Did you just call your fiance a scrub? Seems fake." He laughs and kisses me quickly. "I like that. Imma call you fiance now. Say goodbye to acorn." I kiss his nose. "You freaking loser call me my name!" He laughed again. "aight soon to be Mr. Kleinman as you wish." A burst of happiness blooms in my chest at those words. "You saaap!"

We lay there literally in the dirt for probably hours just basking in each other's presence I couldn't have asked for a better day. "I got you food by the way. It's probably cold and gross now but me n my mom baked you a cake for our anniversary." Jared jumps up carful of his resting glasses and pulls me up. "I have you food too and flowers but right now no amount of food is gonna stop me from fucki-" "JARED!" he laughs. "I'm kidding I'm kidding..... Unless?" I roll my eyes and hug him. "Remind me why I love you so much again?" He nuzzles his face into my chest. "Cuz I'm the insanely cool Jared Kleinman of course." I chuckle again.

"Soon to be the insanely cool Jared Hansen." He shakes his head. "Again, in your dreams scrub."

A/n: I'm cringe as fuck somebody put me out of my misery PLEASE I'm actually begging you

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