it's U

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- I guess it's just another one of those nights -

Jared walks down the dark street with shoulders slummed and hands shoved into his pockets. A lot had been on his mind, and the four walls of his dingy apartment were driving him insane.

- When I'll spent way too much time -

He takes his brief walk in the chilly night air to reflect on all that's wrong in his life.

- On something so small that no one really cares about at all -

He thinks about how short he is, and how much of an ass he can be, and things of that nature. An all too familiar thought crosses his mind. If you were taller and less mean Evan would like you. It's a ridiculous thing to think, but Jared isn't the smartest with love.

- I guess it's just another one of those thoughts -

Now that his thoughts are on Evan he can't stop thinking about him. He can't stop thinking about how he chose Connor over him. The thought of their semi-recent break up gives the poor guy some peace of mind.

- And I can't really find a cause -

Why am I thinking about him? Although his train of thought lead to Evan only a few moments ago, he can't seem to figure out where the thoughts were coming from.

- whether it's all just in my mind or something more here in my life -

Stopping for a moment, he looks down at his shoes and stares at the crudely drawn tree on the rubber. It makes him smile a little despite himself. "Why'd you have to go and choose him ev?"

- It's you -

A realizations hit him like a truck.

"God fuck, I still love him."

- Its you -

Without a second thought he turns around and starts walking back to his apartment complex. The apartment complex he happens to share with Mr stealing his heart Evan Hansen.

- oh God, it's you -

Walking soon turns to jogging, which turns into a full on sprint.

- it's you -

A smile spreads across his face while he runs. He doesn't realize how flawed his thinking is, but the hope of a different more favorable outcome has clouded his better judgement.

- If you're awake then I am too -

The thought of all the sleepless nights they had spent goofing around and talking about stupid stuff before Connors unwanted appearance makes him borderline giddy. Now with that freak out of the picture I've got a shot!

- if you're lost then I'll find you -

He thinks about all the smiles they've shared.

- if you're hurt then I'll fix you -

And of how Evan reminded him how it felt to be truly happy.

- If you go blind I'll describe the view -

In his mind there's no way his confession could have any outcome that wouldn't be favorable.

- if you can't feel then I'll hold you -

He's got to love me too!

- if you fall know I've got you -

God, he's so good, I fucking hope he loves me too.

- and if you fall down too far, and I can't see you through these marks and your eyes are covered in scars and my head's filling with tar -

He can feel people staring at him from their cars, but doesn't have the capacity to care about them. They probably think he's a criminal or something. It's not everyday you see some guy sprinting down the street in the middle of the night.

- don't worry we'll find another way out -

He finally makes it back to their apartment building.

- Your silhouette doesn't look quite right, and I can never find the time. to bury my hands in words, I'd grow a new kind of evergreen tree. Just for you and me. On second thoughts, will you even remember me -

He can't help but hesitate at the front door for a while.

- But it's always been you -

Eventually though, he pulls his little beeper thing. He sighs, struggling to open the door and push the button at the right times.

- It's always been you -

After finally getting inside he runs down the hallway to the stairs. God damnit why doesn't he live on the first floor?? My lungs are burning.

- it's always been you -

He takes the stairs two at a time.

- it's always been you -

Fuck I hope he feels the same way

- it's always been you -

He finally makes it to the floor Evans apartment is on.

- it's always been you -

Crap what if he doesn't like me. He slows down, doubting himself briefly.

"Fuck it." He mutters racing down to his apartment and using his spare key to open Evans door.

"it's always been y-"

"C-connor~! Stop~" Evan giggles. He walks further into his apartment carefully. He pokes his head around the corner of the entryway. He spots Evan sat on Connor Murphy's lap, his cheeks burning, and a smile plastered all over his face. He has his eyes closed, and his hands weaved into Connors hair.

Jared gasps and backs out of the apartment. He runs through the hallway to his own home.

- is it me for you...? -

(-old a/n- Idk i kinda hate this one lol also not on topic but Alex Brightman is babey I'd die for him-

-New a/n-  I still hate it 🙈🙈🙈

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