you kissed me

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Jared and Evan sat on Jared's couch, joking and playing around while watching Friends on Netflix (hella pissed friends isn't on Netflix anymore like wtf that's rude) "thanks you Mrs. Ross!" Ross slurs, making Jared wheeze. "This never gets old I swear to God!" He smiles brightly, thoroughly enjoying himself.

Evan bites his lip, unable to keep his eyes on the screen for more than five seconds. He'd much rather keep his eyes on the adorable boy beside him. Jared turns to face Evan "if you ever draw a mustache on my face while I'm asleep I'd ki-" Evan quickly presses his lips to Jared's without giving it a second thought. And Jared kisses back. They pull away, both of their faces rosey.

"You kissed me." Jared whispers.

"You kissed me back,"  He responds. "A-and I'm not here to apologise for it." He bites the inside of his cheek. "I've been wanting to do that for months-" Jared cuts him off by kissing him again. They sit on the bed making out for what feels like hours, but was probably only about fifteen minutes.

They slowly pull apart, breathing heavily. They sit there in silence just basking in each other's presence. "I-i..." Evan trails off. "Yeah." Jared nods, agreeing to the non-existent statement.

I never want to not be kissing him-

Sorry that was on the shorter side I wanted to keep it short n sweet I hope you guys like it

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