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~continuation of the easter special~

        ⚠️Again, PLEASE someone stop me⚠️

"Oh my god EVAN IM SO HAPPY YOU SAID YES!" My mom squeals into my ear, making me move the phone away. " I'm so happy! Wait a minute, did you know!? And you didn't tell me!!!? I WAS WEARING THE WORST OUTFIT MOM WHAT THE HECK. could've at least told me to look presentable." I mutter, unable to keep a straight face. I honestly haven't stopped smiling since it happened. "Awe Evy you and I both know you would've gotten suspicious if I told you to dress nice. Plus! Jared couldn't care less about what you were wearing. He was nervous out of his mind Ev all he cared about was your answer." I sniffle covering my eyes with my hand. "I love him so much! Of course I said yes." At that my mom starts crying. "You guys will be the cutest husbands ever! I'm such a proud mama!" With the insanely happy Jared Kleinman coming up from behind and hugging me, refusing to ever let go, I wrap up the conversation with my mom.

I toss my phone to our bed and feel him nuzzle his face into my neck. "How was your shower?" I whisper at Jared. He just chuckles. "Not as fun as it could have been." I elbow him in the side playfully. "Get off of me your hairs getting me all wet." He chuckles again and kisses my shoulder. "You love it don't even lie hans- soon to be Kleinman." I wiggle out of his grasp and turn to face him. I bend a little so we're eye level and I wrap my arms around his neck loosely. "No way in hell nerd. It's stayin Hansen, soon to be Jared Hansen." "So you're gonna be like that still ey? Mr. And Mr. Kleinman that's what they'll call us~ I can just see it now~" I laugh. "You can't see shit go put your glasses on~" he snorts. Like ACTUALLY snorts. That. That right there was the cutest thing in the world. "Whats next treeboy? You gonna make me put a shirt on too?" I smile. "As a matter of fact I am. My mom should be here in like twenty minutes. She wants to congratulate us in person." He smiles a little. Nope can't do it anymore. I lean in quickly and pull him into a very loving kiss. He places his hand on my waist and smiles into the kiss. I pull away a fraction and murmured, "God, i love you so much." He looks into my eyes and in that instant it felt brand new. It felt like it did when we kissed for the first time. I felt an awfully dopey grin form on my face. He giggles and kisses me again. Slower this time. This one felt way more loving. There is so much passion for a seven second kiss.

"I can't wait for you to be mine forever." I chuckle. "I already am." I state as if it's the most commonly known pice of knowledge ever. He smiles from ear to ear. "I know dumbass!" He snickers. "I mean legally." God this dork. I smile and hug the love of my life. "You should be this cute all the time." His cheeks flare up. "stop. I'm blushing." He says sarcastically. Words can't describe how much I love this man. He's my everything. His nerdy, jackass, beautiful.... I lost my train of thought. I can't remember how my life was before him. No scratch that. There was no life before I met him. I mean, there was.... But not for me. I mean I was like seven when I met him,,, but you get my point. Is there an emotion stronger than love? Yeah, I think there is. That unnamed emotion is what I feel for Jared.

Wow getting engaged has made me so cheesey. I feel so overwhelmed with love. Oh no. Here come the waterworks again. "Are you ok Ev?" Jared pulls out of the hug and looks into my eyes. "Yeah! Yeah, I just can't believe you finally asked me." He flashes his stunning bucktoothed grin and I all but die.

"Wow." He looks at me with both confusion and amusement. "What?" I shake my head. "Your just so,,, pretty!" He chuckles. "Evan, that's gay." I stifile a laugh. "JARED WE HAVE BEEN DATING FOR FOUR Y E A R S!" He looks at me as if in awe. "I really, really love you treeboy." Oh, so that's how he's gonna be. "I really, really, really love you too bath bomb." He gets all red. "I thought you promised you wouldn't mention that ever again!" I laugh. "Youre great." He pushes my face playfully. "Who says that?!"

I do apparently.

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