Yes! the INSANELY stupid Jared kleinman

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Ok, I maybe might of just made my best friend Evan Hansen hate me. I really didn't mean to! But, uh, I, I told him that I don't consider him a friend. It just slipped out! I honest to god don't mean it! Truth is I want to be more than friends. But I'm a fucking moron.

I can never tell him that I like him now though. I was going to try and be smooth and tell him this, "I don't consider you a friend. I consider you a date. I'll pick you up at seven." But I couldn't get the rest out. He was crying and shaking and then I was crying and he was gone. Probably forever.

J: ev I'm sorry! I was trying to ask you out! But I'm a fucking coward I'm sorry

J: Evan please!

Let me make it up to you!

J: please...

E: why should I believe you?! I honestly thought you changed! But I guess I was wrong huh? Your still the same asshole you always were! Why do you toy with me like this? One minute youre breaking my heart and saying I'm not your friend and the next you're saying you were trying to ask me out. Why should I believe you?! All you do is hurt me! And I just keep letting you back in! But not this time.

I'm not letting you fuck with me anymore Kleinman.


This user has blocked you

I'm such a fuck up.

But I deserve it. Because he's right. I am an asshole. A crazy fucking moronic asshole.

It feels like something is crushing my chest.

Why am I such an idiot? Why did I think it was a good idea to say such a fucking dumb pick up line? god I'm a fucking god damn failure!


Why, why would he do that? I... I thought he was different now. I, I thought he was different. I fall into my knees by my bed. Salty tears keep flowing out of my eyes  and falling onto my thighs. What did I do wrong? I must have done something, right?



I wake up, even though I didn't realize that I had fallen asleep in the first place. Maybe it was all a dream? I mean unlikely, but hey maybe. I check my recent texts.

E: I'm not letting you fuck with me anymore Kleinman.


I sigh. Nope I still fucked up royaly, and he still hates me. Maybe I should try and text him one last time.

J: Evan, I am so so so very fucking sorry. I honest to god didn't mean what I said. I know I promised to stop saying that you weren't my friend. I know I said that I'm really fucking sorry. I really really wanted to ask you out. Honest to God. I just I  convinced myself that you would hate me in the middle of asking you and that was the worst fucking mistake I've ever made. I'm so sorry Evan. Please please please give me another chance. I'll change! I swear!! I just,,, I can't live without you again

He read it. That means he unblocked me!

E: give me one good reason to believe you.

J: because I I fucking love you Evan. I love you a lot. I'd do anything for you to forgive me.

E: ....How do I know you're not lying?

J: I'll prove it.

I jump out of my bead throw my shoes on and run out my door. I run the full two blocks to his door. almost got hit by several cars, but it's worth it. I knock.

"Yeah? O-oh it's you." Evan answered the door. I don't respond. I simply place my hands on his face and lean in almost all the way. "Is this ok with you?" I ask because consent is sexy. He slowly nods and I press my lips to his.

I pull away.

"I love you Evan. I'm so so sorry for hurting you."

He smiles. "I love you too you fucking asshole."

-Old a/n- thank you so much for 412 views! I'll be writing and posting a 400 special soon.


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