they finally get married :')

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I've been putting this off for waaaay too long ;-;

  Jared looks in the mirror and smiles nervously. "Oh my God, I'm so nervous." he bites his lip and turns to Alana. "Chill out man you guys are going to do great. You'll be married to the love of your life in less then three hours! Now come here so I can get you ready." She smiles and opens her arms for a hug. He slowly walks up to his friend and hugs her tightly. "What if I start crying?" He whispers. "That'll be ok, Evan can't control his emotions either. It'll be sweet." She smooths down his hair. "Now c'mon," she pulls away. "This" she gestures to his face. "Needs help." he pushes her playfully. "Watch it bub, you don't have to be my best 'man'" she laughs "I don't have to be, but you want me to be!"


Meanwhile, Evan is dancing around like an idiot with Zoe, belting out the lyrics to an oldies song "today's the day I met the boy I'm gonna marry!" Tears stream down his face slowly. Happy tears, that is. "Ev babes, it's time to get you ready now." She stops dancing, and smiles brightly at the emotional mess that is Evan 'tree boy' Hansen. "I'm so excited and nervous! He's gonna look so hot in his suit!" Evan gushes covering his face with his hands. She giggles "so are you dude, but first we gotta fix up your hair and wash up your face." She grabs his hand, and pulls him over to the bathroom.

~time skip~

Jared smooths out his suit and takes a few deep breaths. Alana pats his shoulder. "You'll do great Jare."  She reassures him.

The wedding march starts, and the stunning Evan steps out with his mother. She's gorgeous in a spring green dress, but all eyes are on Evan. He's smiling brighter than he ever has, and even though his face is being partially obscured by the lights, you can tell that he's crying.


Oh.... Oh my God. He's so beautiful! I bite my lip, physically incapable of removing my eyes off of my soon to be husband. "Oh wow." I hear Alana breath. I giggle a little. I see Evan's shoulders go up and down like he's laughing. I don't want this moment to ever end! Fuuuck he looks so good. I'm so fucking lucky to have this beautiful man. Im so greatful to have him. I tear up, and bite my bottom lip. Evan and his mom make their way to right in front of me.


I kiss my mom's cheek and she wipes my tears. "I love you Evey," she whispers. "Go get em love." She hugs me tightly. "Thanks Mama, for everything." She kisses my shoulder, and pulls away. I step in front of Jared and look into his eyes for the first time today. My eyes dart to the crowd then look back to him. "H-hi." He stutters nervously, making my heart flutter. I let out a breathy laugh. "Hi." He giggles. "You're so beautiful." He bites his lip. "I love you." I blert out quietly. He just smiles and closes his eyes. Tears now streaming down his face. I reach up to cup his face in my hands, gently wiping his face. He nuzzles into my hand. "I love you too."

(Sorry I have no idea how Jewish weddings go :') I might come and edit this to have it later, but for now I'm just going to do it the only way I know how)

note to self: put flowers in his hair more often. I take a second to appreciate his appearance. He has a sleek black suit, with a charmingly crooked white tye. I move one of my hands off of his face and straighten it out. I rest my hand on his chest. He smiles, and i notice my reflection in his glasses. I never thought I'd get this far! Happily ever after here we are.

"Will you, Jared kleinman, take Evan Hansen as your lawfully wedded husband, In sickness and in health, as long as you both shall live?" He takes a deep breath. "I do."


He's breathtaking. Im speechless! He has a white suit on, with a black tye. Mirroring my black suit and white tye. His hair is swept to the side, with tiny flowers woven through it. I love him. He's absolutely gorgeous! He looks at the crowd briefly. "H-hi" I stutter. He laughs, "hi." I giggle. "You're so beautiful." I bite my lip. "I love you." I smile and close my eyes, openly crying now. I feel  his hands cup my face, as he wipes my tears. I press my face into his hands. "I love you too" i whisper. I'm so insanely in love with him.


I take a deep, shaky breath. "I do."

"And, will you, Evan Hansen, take Jared kleinman as your lawfully wedded husband, In sickness and in health, as long as you both shall live?" He nods frantically "yup I do!" He bites his lip looking deep into my eyes. I've never seen him this happy.

"I now pronounce you husbands. You may kiss one another." He grabs my face gently and smashes his lips against mine. Holy crap- my eyes flutter closed and I fist the front of his suit in my hands, pulling him as close as possible. I know there's probably cheers from the crowd, but in this moment the only people in existence are me and my husband. The only action is our lips pressing together. The only feeling is an intense love, more love than I ever knew I could feel.

In this moment, every fiber of my being is head over heels in love with the man right in front of me. 

I missed writing these- im mad that it took me so long to continue :') I'm working on a handful of updates and then this book will come to an end. Im kinda really emotional that it's ending. This was my soul reason to continue for a while there sorry for being all cheesy lol but this ending will lead to bigger and better things. So I need to bring it to a close

Thank you all so freaking much for reading my crappy book lol you all mean the world to me! (I'm on quarantine so there's probably gonna be more written then usual.) Stay safe everyone ❤️❤️❤️

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