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The sent of fall fills my lungs as I make my way up to the bridge. It's so peaceful here. I close my eyes and let the cold night breeze hit my face. Finally this'll be over. An uneasy smile makes its appearance on my face as I stop at the ledge and slip off my shoes. I shove my hand into the pocket of my jeans to retrieved the shakily written note. Some stray tears spill from my eyes as i read it over one last time. A shaky breath escapes my mouth while I stuff the note into my shoe. This is, this really happening! I'm way to excited for this to be happening. A sense of total calmness washes over me as I place my shoes by the railing. It's as if every worry in my body is just gone. I decided to take one last look around before I go. Just before I'm ready I spot a boy with glasses standing on the railing about five feet from me. I hadn't noticed him before. Despite my situation, I scream to him. "HEY! DONT DO IT PLEASE!"

The boy flinched and whips his head around to look at me with scared and tear filled eyes. "B-b-but..." He starts shaking as I take a few careful steps twords him. He looks down to his bare feet where they sit precariously by the edge. "You've, you've probably heard this all before." He sighs. "I, I really thought that he might be the one. But then he told me he was done." I pinch the bridge of my nose and help him down. "For god sakes! P-lease! Are you serious?! I REALLY CAN'T BELIEVE. that for that stupid reason you're here right now! Are you upset that you can't get what you wanted? God fuck! You're lucky that you've never gotten robbed of anything!" He sighs again. "I'm feeling better. thanks for listening." He gives me a half assed smile and disappears.

Sighing, I grab my shoes. "Guess I'll come back tomorrow" the venom doesn't leave my voice as I mumble walking all the way back home in my socks.


I make my way back to the bridge. But as i was about to pull my shoes off for the second time, I saw another person standing on the railing. He was a short ass guy, despite myself I scream. "HEY DON'T DO IT PLEASE!"

He hangs his head low and laughs breathlessly. "You've probably heard this all before. Everyone ignores me. everyone steals. I just don't fit in with anyone here." He sighs.

The petite boy looked up once more and smiles "can you leave me alone now? I want to get this over with" he's smiles ear to ear, But through his fogged glasses I could tell he was crying. "For god sakes! please! Are you serious!? I can't BELIEVE that for that stupid reason you got here right now! Cause even if people ignore you! Even if people steal! You're still so loved by everyone at home! There's always diner waiting on the table isn't there!" He sports a new more genuine smile and steps off of the railing, defeated. "I'm hungry" he states as more tears slip out of his eyes. The boy short as can be then disappeared.

And like that there was someone everyday. I listened to there tales, and I made them turn away. But there was no one who would do the same for me. There's no way I can let out all this pain.


My third or so time on the bridge, I see someone with the same things going on as me. After doing this three times before, I knew what would happen before it happened. He wore a red button up and shorts.  must be cold. He somehow senses me there, though I didn't say a word "I just wanna stop the scars that grow," he takes a shaky breath. "Every time that I go home..." He sobs but quickly composes himself. "That's why I came up here instead..." That's what the boy in the button up said.

Before I could stop myself I fell to my knees, and screamed. Something that I didn't particularly believe. "Hey... Don't do it please...." I take a shaky breath. "I FUCKING WANT TO TOO!" I can't stop this guy, Fuck this is new. For the first time I think I've bitten off more than I can chew. "But even so! Just go away so I can't see! Your pitiful expression is too fucking much for me to deal with!" I look down at the pavement as the tears flow freely from my eyes.

kleinsen One Shots (Rewriting)Where stories live. Discover now