ùwú ily X tsundere

555 19 26

ùwú ily one: Jared
tsundere: Evan

I walked into the music room to practice my violin, expecting it to be empty. But nope! The absolutely most handsome person I have EVER seen was sat playing a beautiful song on the piano. "Wow! You are really good!" I compliment him. His face went red from embarrassment, and he shut the piano cover. he spun around and stared directly into my eyes. He then snorted
"Who asked you!?" He questions in a rather anime girl fashion. I shruged his rudeness off. "Will you play a song for me?" He scoffed. "No loser. Get away from me."

Just like that, he was out of the room. Taking nothing but my heart with him. As i stood there dumbfounded and hugging my violin case.


Everyday I go back to the music room to see him. And everyday he calls me a weird flower child dumbass and leavs. I want to shower him with affection! But whenever I try he just shoves me or breaks my flower crowns. Slowly but surely though, I think im breaking through his though exterior. I just can't wait to see the cute guy I know he is inside!


I made him his own crown today! It's made out of sunflowers because he said they're his favorite. when I  gave it to him I expected it to be ripped to shreds. But to my surprise he placed it gently on his head and smiled softly. Im pretty sure I wasn't supposed to see the smile, because when I pointed out the fact that it's beautiful he yelled, "geez!" And then left. I really hope he doesn't destroy the crown. I worked really hard on it


Evan won't talk to me.

I really hope he starts to again! I really like him.


I put my journal back into my backpack and sigh. Well, what's the use of the giving up? After all, I have been trying to go out with him for months. What's the point in stopping now? I still really want to be with him.

I smooth out the wrinkles on my shirt and reajust my glasses. If he's not talking I might as well make him. I walk into the music room and sit right next to him. He sits there with his eyes closed playing what sounds to be a twenty one pilots song. "Evan?" He peeks at me with one eye. "Yeah?" He shuts his eyes again, but closes the piano cover. Probably sensing the seriousness in my voice.

I take a deep breath and cup his face in my shaky hands. Effectively pulling him into a kiss. I was almost certain that he was going to punch me in the face. But instead, he turned his body to face me and kissed back. It was insane! He tangled his hands in my hair probably destroying my flower crown, and I gently pull his face closer to mine. Our lips moved in a sloppy kiss for about thirty seconds until we pull away for air. Im so shocked that he kissed back I couldn't even open my eyes. "wow..." He mumbled. Still physically incapable of basic human functions i nod in agreement.

I'm finally able to open my eyes and what I see in front of me is absolutely godlike. I made the Evan Hansen, THE Evan Hansen blush! This day just keeps getting better! After my silent celebration/gay panic i hear him speak.

"can,,, we do.....do that again? He places his hands on my hands where. "it's not like I like you or anything! It's just your.... A good kisser." I don't even bother with a reply. I just leaned in and got lost in the feeling of his lips on mine.

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