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Veronica: Evan
J.D: Jared

"You and I are special! We have a lot of work to do!" He yells shoving the gun back in it's drawer. "WHEN DOES IT END!?" I yell sill in shock. I just helped him kill someone! "When every asshole is dead!!" He turns to me scowling.

"F-Fine..." I look him in the eyes. "We're damaged... really damaged... But that does not make us wise!" I shout. "W-we're not 'special'! we're not different! We DONT choose who lives or dies!" I look up at him tears rimming my eyes.

"L-let's be normal!" I look down. "S-s-see bad movies..." I hug myself. "Sneak a beer and watch TV..." I sigh. "W-we'll bake brownies... O-or go bowling..." The floodgates open causing streams of tears to fall down my cheeks. "Don't you want a life with me?" I mumble.

"E-ev..." he walks up to me and wipes away some of my tears. "Of course I want a life with you." He kisses my cheek. "That's why I gotta fix this society..." He rants.

"Can't we be seventeen? Is that so hard t-to do...." I sob "i-if you would let me i-in... I could b-be good with you..." I see him frown deeply. "P-people hurt us..."

"Or they vanish..." He mumbles.

"And you're right! It really blows... But we let go!"

"Take a deep breath"

"And go buy some summer clothes! We'll go camping!"

"Play some poker..."

"And we'll eat some chili fries!"

I stand in front of him "maybe prom night!" He grabs my hands and twirls me around.

"Maybe dancing!" We sway to a non-existent beat. I make eye contact with him and blush

"D-don't stop lo-looking in my eyes!"

"Your eyes~" he holds my cheek lovingly.

"Can't we be seventeen? is that so hard to do?" I lean into his hand blushing

"if you would let me in" he says softly "I could be good with you~"

"Let us be seventeen..." I mumble

"i-if we've still got the right" my tears subside

"So what's it gonna be?" I question him. "I wanna be with you" I smile softly

"i wanna be with you" he leans in

"tonight!" He presses our lips together. I wrap my arms around him enjoying the feeling.

"Ye-yeah we're damaged...." I mumble barley pulling apart

"Badly damaged...." he agrees

"but your loves too good to lose" he smiles. He nuzzles his head in the crook of my neck.

"Hold me tighter" I tighten my arms around him

"even closer" i pull him in kissing the top of his head.

"I'll stay if I'm what you choose"

"can't we be seventeen?" He asks

"if I am what you choose"

"If we've still got the right" he tilts his face up so were looking into each others eyes

"Cuz your the one i choose." I whisper

"you're the one I choose." he repeats

"you're the one I choose~" we say in unison and I close the gap between or faces "I love you" I kiss him softly.

"I love you too" he holds me close.

Third person

Jared glances at the drawer housing the gun and his face goes emotionless. "You're the one I choose~" he says again, silently making plans to continue the bloodshed.

-old a/n- Lol published another chap epically?

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