freckles and constellations

312 16 17

This one kinda long bros strap in

Evan stood in front of the mirror swatting at his damp hair. It just wold not fall how he wanted, and that was annoying the everliving shit out of him. To top it all off his seasonal freckles have made themselves a home along the bridge of his nose and his cheeks. He blew a strand of hair out of his eyes and pouted a tiny bit. It is soooo not the time to have a bad hair day!

Jared's going to think I look like a mess! He thought, yet again running his hand through his hair. Uhhhhg I shouldn't have taken a shower! Now I'm running out of time. He frantically looked for his shirt and shoes. Finding them both in the exact place he put them five minutes ago, he sighs. He closes his eyes and takes a few deep breaths, slowly counting backwards from ten in his head. A little trick his therapist, Dr. Sherman, taught him. "it'll be ok." He told himself as he opens his eyes and sits on the edge of his bed. "Jared, Jared won't think im, im that ugly."


Jared stands outside of Evans house trying to sike himself up. Why am I so nervous right now? He asked himself As he knocks a small random tune into the door. Evan hears the knocking and quickly pulls his shoes on. He rushes down the stairs and opens the door just a crack to see who it is. "It's just me, Acorn." Jared chuckles softly. Evan smiles, feeling the small pool of anxieties in the pit of his stomach dissolve with Jared's voice. He opens the door all the way. "Hi jare- jare- Jared." He blushes, silently cursing himself for all the stuttering. "Sup tree boy, you ready to go?" He walks in and hugs Evan gently. Evan has to lean down slightly so that Jared doesn't have to stretch much to wrap his arms around him and nuzzle his face in the crook of his neck. I'll never get used to how adorable he is... Evan smiles warmly. "yeah, I just need to grab, grab the basket." He replies without the slightest intentions of letting go any time soon. Jared feels his arms tighten a little around his shoulders and smirks. "C'mon Ev we gotta get going if we wanna get to the spot before dark." He whispers planting a kiss to the spot right under Evan's jawline that never fails to make him blush. "Ok ok, but first," Evan pulls his arms away from Jared's shoulders and places a hand on his cheek. "I'm gonna need a kiss." He smirks. He really is getting a lot bolder. Jared rolls his eyes and gives him a small peck on the lips. "Now go get the basket, you dork." Evan smiles pulling away completely and nods. "Go get the car ready I'll be out in a second." Jared winks and shoots him a finger gun "you got it."

Evan quickly heads to the kitchen to grab a picnic basket he packed full of sandwiches and other small snacks. The boys were going to go up to the park and watch a meteor shower, but the shower wasn't until far later in the night, so they're bringing snacks and blankets to make themselves a comfortable spot to lounge and wait. They'd been planning this night for weeks now, and if everything goes to plan it'll be the best and most romantic night of either of their lives.

Evan locks his front door and gets into the passenger side with the basket. Jared smiles brightly at him. "You look really good today by the way." Evan leans over the middle console and kisses his cheek. "Thanks, so do you." Evan buckles up his seat belt and places the basket on the floor behind his seat. He wanted to free up his arms so he could hold Jared's not driving hand. "You have the blankets right?" He asks glancing behind him, not seeing anything but a few fast food wrappers water bottles and large telescope. "Yup, in the trunk." Evan smiles nervously "hopefully I don't fuck up the telescope again." He bites his lip. "It'll all be alright nerd, you just gotta make sure you know where your hands are this time~" he glances at his adorable boyfriend. "I knew where my hands where! Where y o u r hands where was the problem." They both laugh, quickly arriving to their destination.

Jared stops the car and undoes his seat belt. He hesitates for a second then turns so he's facing Evan. Evan quickly sends his mom a text telling her he's out with Jared. "Hey ev?" Evan looks up from his phone. "Yeah?" He asks nervously. "I love you." Jared mumbles, causing Evan's heart to metaphorically explode. Jared's never said that to him before. "I, I, I, love you too!" He says quickly dropping his phone and fumbles to unbuckle his seat belt. Jared giggles briefly, but was soon silenced by Evan's lips.

Evan's hand finds its way to Jared's collar, he pulls him closer to deepen the kiss. Jared's hands weave into Evan's hair. Good thing I never completely fixed my hair- he thinks as he feels Jared moving around. He opened one if his eyes to see what he was doing. Jared had rearranged himself so he's on his knees and Evan's face is tilted up to reach him. He blushes as his eye flutters closed.

Sexy times happen- jk they just made out but I wanna get on with the story :')

Jared opens the passenger side door and carefully climbs off of his very flustered boyfriend. "C'mon lover boy~ we gotta set up the stuff." He smirks. Evan runs his hand through his thoroughly fucked up hair and tries to catch his breath. God daaaaamn. "Set, set, set up the the telescope. I need a need a minute." Evan closes his eyes and takes a few deep breaths. "aight tree boy~ don't take too long." He laughs and opens the back seat grabbing the telescope. Evan counts back from ten again. Why'd he have to go and be all hot like that- god damnit. He blushes shaking his head in attempt to shake the indecent thoughts out of his head.

He glances out of the still open door and watches his adorable boyfriend set up his telescope. He's so perfect... He smiles.


Evan is sprawled out on the plush blanket staring up at the sky. "I'm glad your freckles are back." Jared mumbles taking a bite out of one of the sandwiches. "They're like constellations..." He says while he chews. Evan blushes bright red. He knew how much Jared loves space, specifically how much he loves constellations. It's the best and most sweet complement he's ever gotten. "I love you." He says softly turning onto his side so he's facing his space geek. "I love you too!" He smiles brightly.

And then the meteor shower began.

The meteors were so Insanely bright that's they lit up the whole sky. But Evan was too busy watching his boyfriends face light up with pure joy to notice. "Wow they're so much brighter than I thought they'd be!" Evan sits up and gently grabs Jared's jaw making him face him. Jared tilts his head, opening his mouth to speak, but got silenced before he began by his boyfriends lips.

They pull away. "You're you're so beautiful Jared." Evan smiles pressing his forehead to Jareds. "Hmm~" he hums in response. Suddenly the meteors didn't exist, because in the moment the only thing each of them were aware of, was each other.

(Im gonna be editing all of my previous one shots soon lol cuz I realized they're all crap lol)

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