hanahaki disease

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"oh my, oh my God god! Look how pretty she is. I can't wait for tomorrow! She has a jazz band rehearsal and I swear to God I'm going to talk to her this time!" Evan gushes starring straight at Zoe Murphy. I rolled my eyes. "Meh, I've seen prettier. Also you're fucking creepy acorn." Which was true, in both respects. I am currently looking at prettier right now. They have soft looking dirty blonde hair, adorable grayish blue eyes, and a smile that I'm sure would melt even the meanest persons heart. They have the personality of a garden gnome, and I'm in awe that they even tolerate me with all my jackassery. "No, no way! There isn't anyone prettier than Zoe murphy. Jared you're just fucking crazy or something." He continued. I chuckle a bit at his persistence. "Debatable, but ok." He made a face at me. "Name one person who's prettier than her." You. I almost say, but I have a single braincell still and decided against it. If I said that he'd think I was fucking with him anyways. "Alright acorn, uh," I look around the cafeteria. "her." I point at Brooke, my science partner. He shrugs. "Meh, I guess she's alright. I still think Zoe's prettier. Like, have you seen her hair! It's like purple now! She's driving me crazy Jared." My throat started to hurt a bit but I shrug it off. "You're lost acorn." I could of sworn I saw a slight blush on his cheeks. Maybe he-... I was cut off by my own head, It's because he's starting at Zoe you fucking idiot.

I feel the petals start making their way up my throat. The unforgettable pain clawing at the already raw flesh of my throat. I glance at Evan for only about a second, but man did that hurt. The blood was making it's way to my mouth so i excused myself to the bathroom.

Practically the second I get in a stall the rusty floral taste is too much, and I'm throwing up pastel blue petals and a shit ton of blood into the toilet. God damnit! why did this have to happen? The pain is so excruciating. The searing redhot feeling made it's way from just my throat to deep in my chest.

After about fifteen minutes of solid vomiting I hear the bathroom door open. "Jar-d, Jared? Are you in here?" Hearing his voice makes it so much worse. Not only is it the petals, but long vine like stems started scraping themselves up my throat. "Y-yeah I'm here." I attempted to choke out between sobs, but it sounded more like just groaning. Wait, when had I started crying? I hear him walk up and stop on the side of my stall. "Jare, jare? Are, are you ok?" No. I almost reply. But I physically can't. Violent sobs racked my body and the pain was all but unbearable. "I-i at-ate someth-thin funny." I manage to stutter out. It's a fucking lie but I doubt he'll press it any further. More redhot pain shot through my body as whole flowers started erupting from my mouth.

One moment I'm throwing up full flowers, the next everything went black.


I had passed out due to blood loss. Understandable. That's what usually makes the vomiting stop, but what is rather unusual is the fact I'm not where I last was. I distinctly remember being in the bathroom. Then how the fuck did I end up in Evans room?

I lost my train of thought when the before mentioned insanely and stupidly pretty Evan Hansen walked into the room. My breath hitched. "H-hey..." I give him a tiered smile. "Jare, you look horrible!" Evan: one, my ego: -69. "gee thanks." He sighs. "You, you know that's not what I meant." I try to hide my pain by laughing. "I know treeboy." I smirk at him. He looks annoyed. "God Jared why don't you just say my name!?" I all but feel a tear roll down my cheek. I give him a small, fake(ish) pout "Fine. Evan." I stick my tongue out at him. "That's better! Now c'mon I'm taking you to the hospital."

"Wha- why?" I look up at him. He stares back in disbelief. "You literally passed out at school!" He looked down at his shoes. "I had, had to, to drive you here." I felt the familiar sensation of tears rolling down my face. "You drove, f-for me?" He finally looks back up at me. "Of course! There was no way in hell I was going to leave you there all helpless and possibly dying! I care about you dumbass!" My heart speeds up. He overcame his crippling anxiety about driving for... Me? I feel the burning in my lungs again. Oh. Shit.

I jump up and feel an unhealthy amount of blood rush up to my head. Feeling dizzy and not seeing properly, where the fuck are my glasses? I reach out for the closest thing to steady myself. The closest thing was Evan, and touching him made the pain unbearable. Still not fully stable on my feet I run out of his room and twords the bathroom.

I literally fell on my face like three times but I got there. And Evan hadn't caught me. Or so I thought.

I feel a hand on my shoulder and look up to see Evan. "Jared! Whats going, what's, what's, whats happening!?" My eyes go wide and I push him off. "N-" I dry heave "nothing!" I 'yell' reaching the bathroom and shutting the door. I barely made to to the toilet before I started coughing up my lungs. Blood splattered all around the floor and a few stray petals start flying out of my mouth. "Jared?!" He bangs on the door. "Jared! let me the fuck in!" The tears roll faster and I feel somewhere deep In my soul that this is the end.

Full flowers and probable gallons of blood fall from my mouth, and I'm getting really light headed. "Jared! please, please! let me in!" Evan begged from the other side of the door. At this point in time I have two options. Option one, die in my crushes bathroom. Or option two, let before mentioned crush help and have him find out that i like him to this extent. And not gonna lie... Option one is sounding pretty damn good right about now...

Evan busts through the door and hits his face. He doesn't even seem to notice though. He was so focused on me. "Jared oh my god! Oh my god I have to get you to the hospital! I need to to call an ambulance!" He pats his pockets looking for his phone. "God damnit!" He spots my phone in my back pocket and grabs it. I shiver and start throwing up harder. "JARED!" he yells hugging me tightly. I cough up full flowers. I guess because all of the blood he hasn't figured out whats happening.

He calls an ambulance while I continue to vomit. I can feel myself slowly getting weaker and weaker. My limbs stop having feeling and black dots dance around my field of vision. My throat is scratched completely raw and even if I wanted to I couldn't tell Evan now. All I can do is die. My breathing is slowing, that is, when I can breath. and my heart beats are getting slower. This is it. I think as I feel a pair of strong arms pick me up. This is the end.

My eyes close for one final time.

"I love you Jared!"

Ba bump

Ba bump

Ba bump


"E.........ev........eva-....*cough*..... Evan?"

kleinsen One Shots (Rewriting)Where stories live. Discover now