we are cool

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Jared sits down next to Evan on the bleachers.

"So, I hang out with my mom. A lil more than I'm supposed to..." He starts. "It's not like anything weird! Just dont have peeps that I'm close to." Evan tilts his head. "Well, we've got a couple minutes til she picks me up, so we can kiss a little or maybe just cup my hands on your boobies or yours on my tool." " I'm a guy. " Evan says, confused. "If not, whateves whateves, I'm cool." Evan tilts his head again and goes to speak, but gets cut off. "My parents make me take pills! Cuz I can't feel things like they can..."

" Umm, "

"I have opinions on cheese! And eat it right from a spray can." He smiles brightly. "Then I saw you in the bleachers and I have to admit, I thought you'd be the kinda guy to show me some tit-" Evan sighs. "I don't have tits! I'm a guy." " Oh your booty, or your tool would especially rule! But if not, whateves whateves! I'm cool. " Evan blushes, uncomfortable and confused.

"You know my daddy paid some high school kids to be my friends, but they won't take me out, me out! Me out me out... And my mother  bought a cat, but all it does is sit around and go 'meow meow'. Meow meow!" He sways side to side slowly.  Is this guy ok? Evan thinks to himself. "Oh! And my brother was kicked by a horse, and now he also only says, 'meow meow'. Meow meow! And I know that makes me special, like your boobies, do you wanna take em out em out, above your shirt, your shirt." Evan giggles. " I'm a man dude. No boobies." He smiles "I know!"

They sit in silence for a while. "So have you done it before?" Evan blushes. "What no!" "Is it true that it's hairy???" "H-huh?" " my best friend says you're a slut! " Evan gasps. "Don't worry he's imaginary!"

Jared blushes. "So, grab my dong, and bump it. Or however it goes. I'm a little inexperienced, don't know if it shows.... But you could help me fit in with the rest of our school! But if not, whateves whateves, I ALREADY SAID! I'm cool." He bites his lip hard, embarrassed.  Evan tries to place his hand on Jared's shoulder. "You know there's a lot of different things that make a kid the sorta kid he shouldn't be! M be, shouldn't be m be!" He stands up and starts pacing the bleachers. "Like his best friend is six foot tall, and isn't real! And I admit it! He's a bee! A bee! Bzzzz a bee a bee!" He starts tearing up.  Evan carefully stands up and walks over to the now still jared. "And when I wanna touch a person, they get scared and run away like I'm a bee a bee! JUST SOME BEE SOME BEE!" Tears roll down his face. "Why won't someone love me for the boy I am and I will always be..." Evan pulls him into a gentle hug.  Jared stiffens, and Evan pulls away a little to examine technology boys face. He looks scared...

"But then I saw in your eyes... You don't think I'm some cripple..." Evan smiles. "So give me a chance!" He blushes. " or at least just a nipple."  Evan laughs. "You can do it now, or wait til.the weekend! Or maybe instead, will you just be my.... Friend?" Evan hugs him again. "Cuz I think you know the world can be kinda cruel, but you're not a slut! And I'm not a fool. So whateves, whateves, whateves, whateves, whateves, whateves,whateves, whateves, whateves, we are cool. Through whateves, whateves, whateves, we are cool." They both smile brightly.

"After our trips to Vienna, and Paris in june. I feel like I've known you forever! And it isn't too soon!" Jared turns to Evan "to climb the mountain and shout, I love you! I love you!"  " i love you too" he blushes. "But, before we get too serious, there's one thing you should know, It's kinda hard to say, take my hand," jared grabs his hand. " here we go....... I'm technically married."

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