rivals + height differences

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⚠️very loosely based off of Romeo and Juliet ⚠️

Tall Juliet: Evan
Short Romeo: Jared

Third person

Evan and Jared shouldn't be together.

They should hate each other's guts. They should want to kill each other.

But, they don't. Because somewhere along the way they fell in love.

They refused to stop seeing each other. And it inevitably resulted in their demise.

Evans pov

"Juliet, if you don't stop seeing that boy I will have to punish you." I sigh. God damnit! Why does she keep calling me that? Does she not remember my name or some shit? "Mom." I whine. "Stop calling me that! You're the one who named me! So you of all people should know that isn't my name!" She doesn't listen and proceeds to barricade my window. Funny of her to assume that's how I sneak out. I just want her to fucking get out so I can see the love of my life. Jared is the most amazing person, and if this asshole thinks she can keep me from him she has another thing coming.

My mother finally left and it was time for me to meet jare at our spot. I walk into my closet wiggle some floorboards loose and climb down. Once I'm crawling between the roof of the guest room and the floor of my room I kick open the mock window pane (it's actually a piece of plastic I put there years ago) and I'm climbing down our tree then I'm out. I quickly jump on my bike and head to mine and Jared's spot.

It's nothing much really, it's just a little makeshift treehouse we built ages ago. it was built with the intent of running away and living in it, but never worked out quite as planned.

Rather it was too hot and the holes in the roof brought spider upon spider into our little home, or much too cold and drafty. But it has made a pretty secluded place for,,, Hanging out. Yes that and nothing more! I'm a good jewish boy! Premarital sex is a s I n as they say.

Great now I'm all flustered. Oh well. I'm already five minutes away and I'm practically bursting with excitement. I cannot wait to see my love. It's been two whole weeks! All I wanna do is hug him and never let go. But I know that can never happen.

At least until our families stop being psycho. Or my mom dies. and the chances of either of those things happening anytime soon are slim. So for now me and Jared are just going to have to sneak around like the common mouse. I'm willing to do anything to be with him so it doesn't bother me much.

What does bother me is my mother trying to marry me off to the highest bidder. Which so happens to be the one person Jared hates more than our families.

Conner Murphy. The rude, abusive stoner. Maybe he's misunderstood, but most likely he's just a dick.

I'm not going to think about my impending doom right now, because I'm sure to cry if I do. So for now I'll think of the positive things. The reason I'm going to see jare is, one, I love and miss him, and two, we're planning on running away. We've been saving money and I think we finally have enough.

I'm so excited! Soon enough I'll be able to wake up in the same bed as the man I love. Soon I'll be able to kiss him whenever I want. Oh crap now I'm going to start crying for different reasons.

I'm off of my bike and walking through the oh so familiar forest. I get to the 'treehouse' and run up to the door. "My love! I'm here!" I shout as I open the door. He runs up to me and we hug for a long time.

"Thank God you're here! I thought you got caught, or killed? Or, I dunno..." He says into my chest. "Shh. It's ok jare I'm here now!" He sighs and rubs his face further into my shirt. I kiss his hair and sigh. "So" Jared begins. "What do you wanna do?" He looks up at me suggestively. "not, not today, we have things to discuss." He backs off of me with a scared expression. "You're not,,,, you're not break-breaking up with me right?" I pull him back to me and whisper, "of course not! I love you so much! I just think it's time we see if there's enough money. I don't know how much longer I can go without seeing you every day." I kiss his nose. He blushes nodding rapidly. "Yeah that's a good idea! Give me a second to find all of it in this mess."

That's when it hit me. "If we have enough.... That means, I don't have to worry I'll never see you again. I never have to worry my mom killed you! I get to see you and kiss you whenever I want! Oh my god, I can't wait." I say tearing up. He smiles softly at me and reaches up to kiss me. "Y'know, I really like you." I push him playfully.

I love him so dearly. I just can't wait to live with him.


"$1,571! Is that enough?" My small boyfriend asked when we finished counting. "I dunno..." His face falls. "but I honestly don't care! We should go! Let's go!" My face lights up completely. "OH MY GO- wait." It falls "Jared, babe do we have enough clothes?" "Ev?" "Wait what if it's not enough!? Jared we can't live off of a thousand bucks! What if-" I start hyperventilating really badly. "Evan!" Jared hugs me tightly. "Evan, I love you more than life it's self. I'm willing to make due with a thousand dollars for as long as it takes as long as we get to stay together. We can get jobs and make it work. Just as long as we-" I push my lips to his firmly. Effectively shutting him up. He mumbles "as long as we're together I'll be happy" into my mouth as the sun goes down.

As the sun rises on our second night of sleeping on the uncomfortable forest floor a thought occurs to me. "Jare." I shake his shoulder. "Jare, babe you gotta get up!" He sleepily opens his eyes, squinting to see without his glasses. "My mom's probably looking for us we need to get goin!" I sit up and pull our blanket off of him. He hisses as the cold morning air hits his bear chest. "Cmon get dressed we gotta go!" I pull my shirt on frantically trying to gather all of my thoughts. Although, we're not technically runaway children, both of us being eighteen and all, my mother, and his no doubt, will probably try to make it seem like we are. The police are probably already looking for us. We finally both get packed up and start leaving. We have one of those cart thingies people use to take their dogs on bike rides hooked up to my bike with our blankets food and backpacks packed in nicely. Jared also has a backpack on where he sits behind me. We both wear black hoodies so our parents don't know it's us, god forbid they see us. Our plan is to bike to the beach. It's hundreds of miles away, to be honest I'm not quite sure what state we're really in. My mother likes to tell me different places all the time to get me confused. If we just keep going west we're sure to get there eventually. when we get there we'll hopefully be far enough away for them to never find us again! "Our legs are gonna be so buff after all this biking." Jared comments, moving my hood so he can kiss the side of my neck. "Yeah huh were gonna look so disproportionate with our noodle arms." He snickers using the side of my face to push up his glasses. "It's cold as balls out here. good thing I thought of the hoodies." I nod. "It's almost like you're insanely smart or something." I can feel physically, physically I can feel his eyes roll. "It's almost like you didn't already know I was or something."

A/n and then they made it to the beach and lived happily ever after. Idk I've never been really crazy about (the second part ig I combined two chapters for this) this one maybe some other time I'll f i x it fix it, but for now here you go lol

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