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An extremely guilty feeling Evan Hansen slowly walked into his and his husband's bedroom. Silently closing the door, he walked twords his dishevelled looking spouse.

Without looking Jared knew Evan was there.

"I saved every email you sent me." He said closing his laptop. Holding back tears he placed it on his messy desk.

"From the moment you sent them, I knew you were mine." He turns to face the other male. "You said you were mine." He sighs.

"I thought you were mine."

"Do you know what Alanna said? When we saw your first email arrive?" He takes a step twords the other side of the room.

"She said, 'be careful with that one love, he will do what it takes to survive'" Evan tries to speak but with a single glare from Jared he decides it would be best if he didn't speak.

"You and your words flooded my senses." He turns away.

"Your sentences left me defenseless! You built me palaces out of paragraphs, you built cathedrals." He bites his lip trying really hard not to cry.

"I'm re-reading the emails you sent me." He states. "I'm searching and scanning for answers, in every line! For some kind of sign..." A few tears fell from his eyes.

"From when you were mine....." He looks down."The world seemed, to burn."

"Burn..." He scowls looking up at Evan a new sense of anger flooding through him.

"You published the messages she wrote you!" He takes a step forward. "You told the whole world how you brought this," he throws his hands into the air in frustration. "whore into our bed!" He pushes Evan.

"In clearing your name, you have ruined our lives!" He yells.

"Do you know what Alanna said? When she heard what you've done?!" A few more tears fall.
"She said, 'you've married an Icarus. He has flown too close to the sun!'" he stomps over to Evan.

"You and your words obsessed with you legacy!" He shoves him again.

"Your sentences border on senseless!" He stomps looking up at Evan. Internally wishing he was taller.

"And you are paranoid in every paragraph! How they preceive you." He starts crying way more.

"You, you, you!" He weakly punches his chest. Breaking down sobbing seconds later.

He slowly composes himself.
"I'm erasing myself from the narrative." He stands up straight and wipes some dust off of his shirt. "Let future historians wonder how Jared reacted when you broke his heart!" Evan tries to talk again only to have Jared slap him in the face.

"You have torn it all apart! I'm watching it burn!" He turns away

"Watching it burn!"

Another serge of anger and he wips around for another go at the taller man. "The world has no right to my heart! The world has no place in our bed!
They don't get to know what I said!" He screams.

"I'm erasing the memories!!Erasing the emails that might have redeemed you!!" He yells between heartbroken sobs.

"you forfeit all rights to my heart!" He grabs his wedding ring.
"You forfeit the place in our bed!" He twists it off.
"You'll sleep in your office instead!" And throws it at Evans chest complete anger consuming him.

"With only the memories of when you were mine!" He walks closer to Evan.

"I hope that you...." and pushes him out of the room.

"Burn!" He slams the door in Evans face.


Jared sat on his knees in front of the door sobbing. He went to touch his wedding ring and remembers he threw it. "fuck!" He crawls around the floor searching for it.

Until his hand brushes against the small silver ring and his sighs in relief.

Despite everything.... Jared was still very very very much in love with his husband.

He slips the ring back onto it's rightful spot on his finger.

(-old a/n- Now I'm imagining Jared in Eliza's blue dress lmao might have to draw that)

-new a/n-

kleinsen One Shots (Rewriting)Where stories live. Discover now