my R part two

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Somewhere on the drive back to his house Jared had fallen asleep in my lap. "Evy..." He says in his sleep. "Yeah, my love?" He hums quietly. "Kiss." I chuckle and kiss his forehead. "Wake up, then I'll kiss you for real." He groans rubbing his face into my shirt, but not waking up. I had almost forgotten that he talks in his sleep. We pull into his driveway and I stop the car.

For a full five minutes I don't make any moves to wake him up, or go into the house. I just sit there with my face buried into the love of my life's hair. The realization hits again. I almost lost him. He was almost just gone. My breath hitches in my throat and fresh tears surface in my eyes. I cry good and hard into his shoulder. My hands find two fist fulls of Jared's shirt. "Ev?" I hear his groggy 'morning voice' and all but loose it. His cold nose pokes my neck. "What's wrong Evy?" Does he not remember? I gulp. "Oh, yeah that." There's a shaky breath against my neck.

"I'm sorry Evan." His chest heaves. "I, I should've just..." He trails off. "It's not, not, not your fault." He places both of his hands on my chest and pulls away from our hug. "Yes! Yes it is! I almost did something terrible! I'm such a fucking baby! I couldn't even let you have your dream! I'm keeping you from your dream..." he sobs lowly and covers his eyes with his hands.

Before he can say anything else I grab the front of his shirt and yank him into a kiss. He groans kissing back immediately. I pull away before he can get carried away. "Jared you. You are my dream. You living and breathing and loving me. That's my dream. I don't need some fancy college to be happy. All I need to be happy is you." He laughs loudly before covering his mouth "sorry sorry! You're just such a sap! I love you so much." He leans his forehead against mine smiling. "I love you too jare."

He tries to get off of my lap as I open the door. "Where the hell do you think you're going?" My hands snap to his waist. "What? You going to carry me~" He smirks. What a sarcastic little shit. "As a matter of fact yes. Yes I am. I'm also staying over tonight by the way." He wraps his arms around my neck. "Now why would I let a man I'm not even dating stay over at my house?" My face flushes. "Dunno. Maybe you'll just have to agree to be my boyfriend again?" He plants a kiss onto my lips. "Uhhhh, no thanks." My heart stops. "O-oh, i-" he kisses me again. "Geez cut the kicked puppy shit out I'm fucking with you babe." Not only did my heart start beating again it went all doki doki.

I shift us in my seat and carefully got us out of the car. I grab the back of his thighs holding him up. "Can you lock it for me baby? My hands are full." He kicks my back. "No? I don't think I will." I roll my eyes. "Get up then." He grumbles and locks the door slamming it shut after. "You suck Hansen."

"Only in your dreams Kleinman~" his heel digs into my back again.

I take him back into his house, saying hi to his mom in the process. We lay in his bed and quickly fall asleep.

Yup that's totally all we did.


"I'll see you later baby." I kiss Jared's cheek and head off for work.

In the eight months since the incident Jared and I have made a life together.

We live together In an amazing apartment.

We both have incredible jobs.

And we're so insanely in love.

My life is so so fantastic right now. To think that this all almost never happened.

Thank god I found him when I did.

"Love you." Jared smiles looking up from some freelance job he's doing. "Even though you look like a boy scout." I roll my eyes "I love you too you jerk."

Yeah, my life's pretty damn perfect right now.

A/n ahh it's kinda short lol sorry

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