angry bb x flirty hoe

607 20 13

Angry babey: Evan
Flirtatious whore: Jared 

It hase been such as fucking shitty day! I fucking hate everything! Im so pissed that we even have to do this stupid ass project, and now this stupid fucking idiot keeps fucking bothering me. "Come on baby~" he bites his lip. God. damnit. My cheeks flush and I somehow get even more angry. He pulls his face close to mine and whispers, "c'mon~ we have to work~" my. Fucking. Face! It's so hot. I can feel his breath on the side of my neck. I shudder and push his face away. "Fine." Why did the teacher partner us up??? Uhg. He smiles and leans across me to grab something. His back is right against my chest. Fuck! He needs to fucking stop this. He finally grabs what he needed and gets up. Here's the catch though! He DELIBERATELY dropped the eraser on my crotch. Kay, now I'm flustered slightly turned on and ANGRY. A really bad combination! "Yo! Stop it dumbass!" He smirks at me and goes to grab the damned eraser off of my lap. "NOPE!" I yell standing up and storming out of the class.

I pace outside trying to calm myself down enough to go back in and grab my backpack. Why does he do this? God! He knows doesn't he. He knows, and he's just fucking teasing me. That's really mean! Wow, now my fucked up day just got ten times worse. I sigh and wipe a few stray frustrated tears off of my face. Great now I'm crying fucking pathetic. "Are... are you ok Ev?" Jared can't see me like this! I wipe the rest of the tears off and turn to face him. "I'm fine!" His eyes showed real concern and it made my chest tighten. maybe he actually cares about me? No he doesn't dumbass. I sigh. He very slowly makes his way to my side and cautiously places his hand on my shoulder. The physical contact is making it very hard to breathe. Why do I have these stupid ass feelings? I just really want to hug him. So I do. Why am I still crying? I don't even care anymore I'll just cry on his shoulder. He pats my head gently. "Shh, it's ok baby~" I push him off my anger finally boiling over. "Why the fuck are you doing this to me!? What the fuck!? Do you not have anything else better to do with your life than tease me!?" He backs up with a confused face. "Wh-what?" I broke down. I'm basically pulling my hair out in my spot crouching down on the floor sobbing. "Evan!" He carefully grabbed my hands in his and tries to stop me from hurting myself. "P-please tell me what I did! I'll stop I promise! Just please don't cry. Or...or...or I'm going to start crying too." I look into his eyes. There are already a few tears on his cheeks. "N-no. Don't cry!" I mumble. He just stares into my eyes. I want him to just kiss me already. He won't, but damn I wish he would. I frown a little and look away from him. He tilts my head up with his finger. "Hey," I don't look at him. "Evan?" I still don't look at him. "God damnit, look at me!" I reluctantly do as he says. He leans almost all the way in twords my lips then stops. "Can I kiss you?" I roll my eyes and close the gap. The kiss was short, but very passionate. I take all my anger out on his soft lips then pull away.

"Wow." He breaths out. I can't even get any words to form. "Thanks."



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