sleepy morning

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Not kleinsen but a nice n cool human requested this and I have no self control :') this is for you Sappyandretro420

"call me on the phone at three~" Connor Murphy sings to himself as he cracks an egg into a bowl "it's all for you, I'm half asleep." He continues, pouring the egg mixture into a skillet. The rich smell of scrambled eggs wafted up to his nose. "Complaining bout your mother so-" he feels a pair of warm arms wrap around his bare torso. "I'll take you to the cemetery..." A very sleepy Evan continues pressing his face into Connors shoulder blades. Connor giggles, "rant to me. I like the sound," "I like your voice..." Connor switches off the stove top and turns to face his sleepy spouse. "I like your mouth~" he tilts Evan's head up with a smirk. Evan smiles softly and closes his eyes in anticipation of a kiss. The taller man tucks a tuft of Evans hair behind his ear, and leans in for a short, and sweet kiss. They both really love waking up to cavetown and kisses.

Short little treebros blurb for my friend lol

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