absolutely smitten

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He knows this feeling all too well.

Evan hansen spots an adorable guy in the lunch line a few people ahead of him.

'Wow he's... Wow'

He feels his heart begin to swell.

Evans face turns pink. 'oh god my hands are gonna start sweating!' they hadn't, until he started thinking they would. Now, as he thinks about the pretty boy turning around and figuring out that his hands are literally sweating off of him his hands sweat more than ever.

handsome stranger you have made his insides turn to jelly.

His stomach does a full 180 as the stranger passes him with his lunch tray. 'Suddenly my packed lunch seems great and I don't need school lunch at all.' he ducks his head under the separation between the lunch line and the rest of the quad and scurries away from the crowd of hungry teenagers.

He wants dance around the room

Evan finds himself longing to hold the adorable mr. No name and Dan around like a fool. 'thats so dumb Evan! If he ever heard you he'd think you're dumb,,,'

kiss him until his lips turn blue

That thought doesn't stop him from fantasizing about the short guy pulling him down by the collar of his polo and kissing him endlessly.

handsome stranger you have made him wonder, is he pretty?

'Am I even pretty enough for him? His standards are probably really high because he's really hot.'

But it's to late he believes in fate he's absolutely smitten he'll never let you go.

'i don't care. Let fate decide and all that jazz.' He really did care, but he's an avid liar. To himself mostly, but you'd be surprised.

That boy right there yeah he's the one! With Cupid's arrow in his bum!

Jared stole glances at the awkward mess of a dude he's becoming ever more invested in and turns red. 'he looks lovestruck' he smiles to himself, but not in a happy way. In a "I don't wanna miss my shot" kinda way.

Handsome stranger you have made him happy! The First in a long time.

He walks up to Evan and starts talking. He's really happy with evans reaction. 'how'd you break your arm?' Evans hands get sweaty again. "Oh uh, I fell out of a tree actually.' Jared giggles and goes on his tip toes to whisper in his ear.

Did you just whisper in his ear?

Evan gulps.

Words hes only  dreamed to hear.

'you're really cute for someone who fell out of a tree like an acorn~'

Pretty boy look at how he's smiling! I think he likes you!

Jared gives Evan an absolutely shit eating grin.

But it's too late you believe in fate you're absolutely smitten you'll never let him go

Evans face flushes

But, it's too late he believe in fate he's absolutely smitten he'll never let you go!

Months go by, and the boys are closer than ever.

They sit together during lunch, and randomly Evan leans in over the table and hugs Jared tightly.

"I'll never let you go!"

kleinsen One Shots (Rewriting)Where stories live. Discover now