Chapter 1

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Cherry's POV

"Brian let's go!!"I shouted loud enough for him to hear me.
"No Cherry, it is now getting fun. Come on girl" Brian continued dancing.
"Fuck I'm leaving!!" I left him there and called my driver to take me home.
Brian is my best friend. I used to have crush on him but he is gay. I cried a lot when he told me about his sexuality. Well, I'm now over it.

I'm so fucking damn tired and drunk. I know my mom will be mad at me but I don't care. I love to go clubbing,partying and make friends. I remember when I was in high school, I hosted a party in our home when my parents were on vacation. But I was punished when they came back. It's good to have fun and be yourself right! This is me and I want people to accept for who I am. I just want to enjoy life that's all. I admit that my sister is different from me. She always listen to our parents and she is fucking a nerd. I usually convince her to go clubbing with me but she always declines it. She is always indoors doing nothing! Gosh I want her to go out and make friends especially have a boyfriend.
Sofia is the name of my loving good sister. I know I'm bad but I don't go around sleeping with people though except my boyfriend Sylvester, he is loving and gentle when having sex. I don't know if I'm in love with him or not.

"Ma'am we are home" the driver announced.
"Thanks" I got out the car.
I entered the house, walking slowly because I don't want to get caught by my parents. I promised I won't go to the club today but Brian forced me. I even lied to my boyfriend because he hates going to the club.
I got to my room and lied on my bed breathing so fast.
"Cherry are you in there?" I knew it was my mom
"Yes you can come in mom" I replied her
"Where did you go honey?!" She was trying hard to be calm.
"To the club with Brian" I felt guilty because I broke my promise to her.
"Honey when will you stop this your carefree life style? And start to focus on your future!! You just completed college for goodness sake!! You are no longer a teenager!!" She looked disappointed in me.
"But mom..." she cut me off " Honey Stop saying this is who you are But it's not who you are!! You have to start to help your father at the company and start building your future. You are 22 years of age !!! You are no more a child!!! Start to reason, life is not about going to parties everyday and making unnecessary friends!!" She slammed the door and left.
I feel so bad, I don't know what is wrong to love partying more than anything in this world. I decided to call Sly because I rejected his calls when he called me.
"Hey baby" I said when he picked up
"What do you want?!" His voice seems like he is angry.
"I called because I miss you" I said
"Cherry it's over. I don't love you anymore. I thought you will change but you don't seem ready to. My parents don't like you!! They think you are a prostitute because of the way you dress and always at the club or party. You don't seem to care about anything in the world. I'm sorry but I want a girl who is serious in life. That is why I was calling you early. I'm sorry Goodbye." He hanged up on me
"SHIT!!!!" I couldn't help but cry out loud for everyone in my house to hear. Today is the worse day of my life.

First chapter🎊
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