Chapter 21

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There will be an update this Wednesday.

Enjoy this chapter☺️
Happy reading 📖

Cherry's POV

Christian and I are about to leave the hotel. I insisted that we leave this hotel because I don't feel safe here anymore. He didn't argue with me. He agreed without asking any further questions. I think Chris really cares about me.
"Chris! I think someone is at the door! I called him when I heard someone knocking.
"Cherish please go and check who is at the door!" He shouted.
I quickly went to the door and to check who is there. It was that goddamn witch Melissa. Before I could scream she shot me.

Chris's POV

I heard a gun shot and I went out to see who it was. It was Cherish lying down lifeless. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Who the hell could have done this! I carried her out shouting that someone should call 911. I got to the reception area only to find our parents getting out of a car. Dad! Please help me take Cherish to the hospital! I yelled.
"Son! What happened?" My dad asked.
"Can we talk about it after we get to the hospital?" I pleaded him. Cherish's parents kept throwing questions at me. Her mother is crying so hard. I didn't care about the crowd. I just want to get my woman to the hospital. I put her in the car and I drove away leaving our parents there. I can't wait anymore time because she can die any moment from now.
About 10 minutes later, I got to the near by hospital. They quickly took her inside the theater room. I keep going back to back. My brain couldn't function. I felt like I'm losing a part of me.
Soon my parents arrived along with her parents. Her father hold me and punched me. Blood were coming out of my mouth.
"Tell me what the hell happened to my daughter?!" Her mother shouted at me.
"I was in the bed room packing and I heard a gun shot!" I rubbed my hand through my hair.

Sofia POV

I have been feeling so uneasy, now that I have reached the hotel they are lounging. I think I'm nervous to meet my sister. I hope she won't refuse to talk to me. I got out of the car and saw Chris holding someone in his arms. The person were covered with so much blood. As he approached us, I realized it was my sister. What the hell happened! I broke down crying uncontrollably. Chris took the car and he left without us. Tears were falling out of his eyes. He couldn't think straightly. When he left, a cab came and we got inside. We followed him till we got to the hospital. My dad was so angry and sad at the same time.
God please what is happening to my family right now?! Why can't we be the same loving family again?! I don't want to lose my sister! She is one of most important people in my life. Please God let a miracle happen! I can't stop myself from crying.

Chris's POV

I have been waiting for more than 4 fucking hours. Nobody is telling me anything. My dad kept telling me to sit for a moment but I'm not listening to him. I just want to enter the theater room to know what is happening.
After 30 minutes, the doctor came out.
We all moved to where he was standing.
"I have bad news for you all" he sighed

This chapter is very short.
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