Chapter 16

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Cherry's POV

"Sofia!! Stop right there with the knife. It's too dangerous to play with that!!" I shouted at my sister .
"No, it's not harmful. Come on let's play with the knife." She pleaded.
"Never! It is too dangerous! Mommy will get mad at us!" I told her.
"Please Cherry" she pouted her face
"Okay I will take daddy's gun" I went to take it.
"Cherry, hurry up and let's start the fight. I bet I'm going to win" she said happily.
"No sis I will win. Remember the movie, the guy with a gun won." I pulled out my tongue.
"Let's see!" She jumped happily and we started playing.
I started running and she came after me with the knife. I laughed and continued running till I fell. She gets on top off me and stabbed me with the knife on my hand. Aaah, I  screamed and the gun shot. I realized what I just did. I shot my sister!!.
No!!! I screamed and our parents came out to find my sister lying down lifeless.

Sofia!!! I shouted. I was dreaming about that incident that happened 10 years ago.
Chris has already parked the car and he is embracing me in his arms. He comforted me with sweet words. I calmed down and wipe off my tears.
"Thank you" I said to him.
"No problem. Care to tell me about your dream?" He asked softly.
"Another time please" I bowed my head.
"Okay remember I'm always there. whenever you need me" he kissed my forehead.
After crying, my stomach was growling so bad. I'm hungry! I need food then I remembered the food I asked Chris to buy. I requested for it and started eating as he started the car again.
I'm really going to enjoy myself whiles it's last.

Chris's POV

Cherish was already fast asleep. I continued driving till I saw her trembling and panicking. I think it's one of her trauma that she went through when she was a kid. So I parked the car and starred at her closely to listen to the words, she was murmuring. I saw tears coming from her eyes. So I began to wake her up because I think it's a very bad dream.
She suddenly shouted her sister's name and got up. I hugged her tightly, I told her smooth words to calm her down.
I began wondering what Sofia did to her to cause her so much pain.
Cherish has a lot of secrets that I don't know about. I remember the incident that happened 10 years ago. It made me hate her so much and made me got closer to her sister. I don't understand what is going on with her. From what I knew she didn't mean to hurt her sister purposely. That's what my parents told me. When I was young, my brother and I never played with her. We got scared of her. But now, she looks vulnerable to me.

This girl can't stop seducing me! The way she is eating makes me so horny. Am I sick or something?

Sofia POV

I have been trying to reach Chris but it's not going through. Did something bad happened to her? I swear I will never forgive myself if anything bad happens to her. It's my fault that she is suffering again. I didn't mean to hurt her. I just wanted to reprimand her. She likes talking that way. I love her more than anything in this world. She inspires me a lot. I know it's shocking but she is my role model. I knew my sister is not a carefree girl rather a sensitive person. She always portrays to be that kind of person because she is depressed. She doesn't know that she is depressed. Also, my parents don't know. I think my mom suspects it. Because sometime ago, I heard her and daddy talking about it but as usual, my dad didn't believe it.

We have landed in the USA and we have trying reaching both of them. We went to the hospital and they told us that my sister has escaped. Mommy is crying unstoppably. Dad is trying his best to calm her down. I told them everything about my sister when we were in the plane. It has made them so emotional especially my mom. She thinks she failed as a mother to us. Uncle Xavier and Aunt Elena is here with us. We are looking for them.

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