Chapter 22

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Chris's POV

"I have bad new for you all" he paused.
"Doctor, don't fucking tell me that she is no more" I felt desperate and worried.
"Mr Johnson, she did make it but the bullet has affected her womb.  I'm sorry to say she won't be able to get pregnant for the rest of her life." He said and went away.
The looks on her parents face were horrible. Her mother sat on the floor and started crying uncontrollably. Sofia tried to stay strong and console her mother. My mom too sat on the seat and buried her face in her hands. My brain stop functioning. Only thing I was thinking about was her reaction when she wakes up. She doesn't deserve every pain she is going through. I don't care whether we have children or not. We can adopt as many we want. I'm glad she didn't die.

I have to find the person who did this to her. The person has destroyed her life. She will never be the same again.

The police came and interview me. I told them everything I saw and heard. They also told me that they have the cctv footage. It was a certain woman who shot her. I am on my way to the police station to see the footage. Also, I told them about the fight that happened yesterday. I suspected that it was that unknown woman who shot her. I went to the police station with my dad.

When we reached the police station , they showed us the video and zoomed it enough to see the culprit. It was Melissa! I couldn't believe what I was seeing. How did Melissa know our whereabouts? How did she knew Cherish? Was she the one Cherish fought yesterday? I asked myself those questions. I can't think straight! Why did Cherish lied to me yesterday?!  Fuck you Melissa! I promise to make sure she is caught and jailed for life.
The police are issuing warranty for her arrest. According to the hotel, she run away after she shot her.
"Melissa, you can't hide from me! I will catch you with my last breath you bitch! I throw a fit.
My dad keeps glaring at me without saying anything. I know the look on his face. He usually does that when he is disappointed.
"Dad it's not what you think" I tried to talk to him.
"One more word from you and I will stop this car and punch you! I thought I told you to break all ties with her! Why do you see in that bitch that you can't break up with her! Has she cast a spell on you! Think Christian!" He barked at me. He only mention my full name when he is angry at me.
"Dad please I have broken up with her before the engagement. I didn't know she knew our whereabouts. Dad believe me I don't have anything to do with her." I defended myself.
He ignored me throughout the drive to the hospital.

Sofia approached me as soon we entered the hospital.
"What kept you so long at the police station" she said crying.
"The police were interviewing me" I said
"She is awake" my heart skipped a beat.
"Can I go and see her?" I queried her.
"I don't think so" she bowed down her head.
"What happened?!" I became curious.
"My mom accidentally told her that she has become barren" her tears in her eyes increased. "She continued to cry. I told her to wait for me.

Sofia's POV

I asked the doctor if I can see her. He said yes and we went in, mom and I. Mom covered her mouth with hand. She was sobbing when she was her lying down like that.
It's been about 3 hours since Chris left with his dad. I hold her hands and kissed  the back of her palm. She suddenly moved. "Mom Cherry moved." I said happily.
"Water" she said in a croaked voice.
"Here" I quickly pour her water. I rang the bell to call the doctor or a nurse. They came to check on her. Her condition was stable.
"Honey, how are you feeling?" My mom asked her.
"Really bad mom" she responded.
"Everything is going to be alright. I love you no matter what. remember that always okay." Mom assured her. I sat on the bed, scroll through her hair with my hand while smiling at her.
"Hope you haven't told her anything yet?" The doctor asked.
"About the her barrenness?" My mom sounded confused.
"Barren?" She looked at me for an answer.
"Miss Wilson, we will talk about it when your condition get better. But for now, don't think about anything." I can see the doctor trying to calm her down.
"I don't understand what you are saying?" She was getting impatient.
"Sis relax please" I sighed.
"Mom! What you mean by barrenness? Someone should talk to me! Does that mean that I can't have babies on my own?" She shouted and groaned in pain after shouting like that.
"Miss Wilson, please calm down." The doctor said.
"Can you answer the questions I asked?" She asked the doctor.
"Yes" we all bowed down our heads.
"Oh my God!" She had difficulty in breathing.
"Doctor! She can't breathe!" I desperately said.
He instructed the nurse to inject her so that she goes back to sleep.

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