Chapter 5

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Sorry for not updating lately😩😩
I will be updating frequently from now on💕
I'm on vacation
Chris's bedroom ☝🏽☝🏽☝🏽

This chapter is a little bit boring😊

Chris's POV

Finally, after long hours of working. I'm back home, I mean my penthouse. I know by now Cherish is sleeping and I don't want to disturb her.
Our engagement party is in three days time. I'm so nervous. I don't really want to get engaged to this clumsy girl. She is so annoying and troublesome to be with. Also I feel different when I'm with her.
I'm feeling sleepy and hungry. I choose my sleep because I love to sleep.

Cherry's POV

Where is that jerk? I kept wondering his whereabouts. I can't believe I'm getting engaged to a workaholic. I hate people like that. No wonder I hate him so much.
Isn't it a good thing? Why am I even complaining? I think there is something wrong with me. I don't know why I care about him. I cooked for him also.

I'm waiting for him at the living room.
Finally, he is here. He seems tired and exhausted. I have pretended like I'm sleeping.
"Cherish, wake up" he called me. I didn't mind him.
"Clumsy bitch!!" He shouted
"Fuck this bastard!!" I snarled
I won't give him the food!! I have changed my mind.
"Goodnight dumbass!!!" I went straight to the kitchen to throw the food away before he sees it. Unfortunately, he followed me there.
"I love the smell in this kitchen. He inhaled the aroma of the food. Did you cook or the maid did?" He asked
"You idiot, I cooked it myself and as the matter of fact I won't allow you to eat nor taste it!!!
"Are you sure" he teased me
"Yes!! Excuse I have to throw the food away" I rolled my eyes.

He forcedly snatched the food away and sat on the counter.
He moaned when he tasted the food.
"You are not a bad cook as I expected " he complimented me
"I am not a lazy girl" I smirked
He ate all the food and we continued to chat errrmmm I mean fight verbally. I am not normal when I'm around him.

Finally, we went to our various room to sleep. I took a quick shower and slept right away without thinking about anything. Wait, in fact there is nothing to think about.

*****the next day****
I woke up early like always. I'm an early riser. My parents admire me for that. Unlike my sister, she can sleep till noon. It's not her fault though, she doesn't out apart from school. Also, she is very lazy. I don't think she can cook but she has a good heart and at times being selfless.

I got up from the bed, went to the washroom to do my everyday business.
I got out of my room and went straight to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for myself.
When I got there, I saw the maid preparing banana fitters. I greeted her politely and sat on the counter. I suddenly remember yesterday. I loved how he moaned out the food.
"Errrmm please is Chris awake?" I asked her
"No ma'am" she replied.
It's 7:30am for Christ sake. And a businessman shouldn't be sleeping at this time. I will go and wake up.
"Hey, I'm going to wake him up and eat breakfast with him. Anyway I prefer milk rather than coffee" I told her and got up
"Ma'am please don't go, he doesn't like to be disturbed when sleeping" her voice was shaking.
"What!!! Today I will disturb his sleep" I stormed out of the kitchen and went straight to his bedroom.
I entered without knocking. I wonder why he doesn't lock his door when sleeping.
"Christian Johnson!!" I shouted and pulled out his blanket from him.
He yawned and glared at me before talking " please get out of my room and don't you dare try this again!!!!!"
"What the fuck" I cursed and started jumping on his bed happily.
"Cherish!!!" He barked
"I love to see you mad" I continued jumping on his bed with a smile on my face.
He pulled me down and get on top of me. We starred at each other with lust.

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