Chapter 7

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Chris's POV

I still can't believe Cherish invite someone over without telling me. She really knows how to provoke me.

I felt embarrassed when she stopped me from talking. And the guy too, he was really checking me out. I don't understand why he was doing that. They looked like they are lovers and I have to admit I was a little bit jealous when she hugged him and send him straight to her fucking room.
Yeah, I eavesdropping to their conversation. I'm just making sure, they don't do anything stupid because we are getting engaged tomorrow. I don't want any motherfucker bastard touching what's mine. Did I get say that? I talk too much that's why, Don't mind me.
I opened the door and saw them cuddling. I couldn't help but yelled " What the fuck is going on here?!"
Cherish got up and rolled her eyes on me. "I need an explanation to this!" I demanded.
"Chill my guy, there is nothing wrong with what we are doing" he said
"Cuddling with my fiancée ?" I was so mad for no reason.
"We are best friends and besides I'm g-" Cherish stopped him from continuing his sentence
"It is none of your fucking damn business. So please leave my room and make sure to close the door" she grinned
"Oh really! Anyway I'm sorry. You can have sex with him!!! I didn't know you can be a ..." I cut myself off and felt disappointed in her.
I left her room and closed it as she wanted. We are not a couple so no hard feelings.

Cherry's POV

When Chris left my room with a disappointed face, I regretted my actions. I wanted to follow him and explain things to him but my pride won't let me.
"Girlfriend, that was bad of you to act rude towards him" Brian sighed
"But he thought we were doing something bad" I tried to defend myself
"Every guy will act the way he did! Besides he didn't know that I'm gay! He is thinking the worst of us. Remember Sly acted worst than this when he saw us on the same bed  holding each whiles we were sleeping." He busted out
"We are not in any relationship. Besides it's an arranged engagement not real one" I felt desperate.
"Go and explain things to him or else I will do it" Brian warned me
"I will do it so don't worry" I tried to convince him.

Later in the afternoon, Aunt Elena came with the dresses and I loved all of them. But I selected the  off shoulder elegant gown. It was so pretty

I know I will look like someone going to a ball but I don't care

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I know I will look like someone going to a ball but I don't care. I really like this dress so much. Brian too liked it so as Aunt Elena.
Everything is set for tomorrow. Aunt Elena showed me pictures of the decorations at the venue it was so nice and beautiful. I really wish, it was a real engagement party not some an arranged one.
Chris is ignoring me. when his mom came and I went to greet her, he excused himself. His mom requested for him so I volunteered to go and call him but he still didn't mind me. I will force to talk to him tonight. I hope he doesn't drive me away.

***time skip***
Finally, it's time for dinner and I was the one who prepared it. I ordered the maid to go and call him to eat but he requested her to bring his food to his office. I warned her not to tell him that I was the one who cooked the food.
She sent the food to him and the plates came empty which means he ate my food. I felt so happy. Now it's time apologized for my behavior.
I entered his office without knocking. He glared at me without saying anything. So I broke the awkward silence
"Hey, I am here to apologize to what happened today" I said
"No need to apologize. Whatever you do with your life doesn't concern me. I'm sorry to interrupt you in your business " he sounded sincere
"It's not what you think it is. Errmm he is just my best friend and he is gay. Please there is nothing going on between us. I'm so sorry to behave like a bitch" I admitted
"What!!! No wonder he was checking me out!!" His eyes widen looking so shocked
"He was checking you out!!! I swear I will kill this manwhore!" I charged 😂

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