Chapter 23

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Chris's POV

After Sofia told me what happened, I told her to wait for me. I was going to see Cherish. I am feeling so uneasy, I have to see her.  I reach her room when saw one of the nurses trying to inject her. When she saw me she panicked as if she was doing something bad. She turn to face me and gave me a fake smile. She walked away quickly without looking back.
I sat on the chair and held her hands whispering smooth words to her. I ended falling asleep whiles resting my head on the bed and holding her hand.

Cherry's POV

I can feel that someone who is holding my hand tightly. I woke up to see that it was Chris. He was sleeping peacefully. I wanted to kiss him but I don't have the right to do that anymore. I am no longer his fiancée. I can't give him children if we get married. No man in this world wants a barren woman. His parents won't even allow it. I will break up with him when he wakes up.
I continued to stare at him handsome whiles sobbing. It hurts that I'm losing him forever. He doesn't deserve a woman like me. He is a good person and he needs a good woman to make him happy.

After awhile he woke up. When he saw me looking at him, he gave me a heartwarming smile. I caressed  his face whiles smiling back.
"Sunshine, how are you feeling?" He asked.
"I'm okay" I tried to fake a smile.
"Can I sleep beside you?" He asked again.
"Yes" I adjusted myself on the bed.
God how can I break up with this man? If he keeps doing things like this I won't let him go! Why is he so sweet to me? He has been kissing me all over my face telling me sweet words. I look like I'm his treasure that he is scared to lose.
I love to be embrace by him.

Someone busted in the room without knocking. It was my dramatic best friend.
Christian got up from the bed when he saw Brian. He went to sit at the sofa in the corner of the room.
"Girlfriend I'm so sorry I wasn't there for you. I am so sorry for getting mad at you. I am so sorry for being such a bad bestie." Tears were coming from his beautiful eyes. Yes, Brian eyes are so beautiful. That is what that keeps attracting these men and women. 
"Come on babe. I am the one who should apologize to you. I was the one who acted like a bitch. I shouldn't have treated you that way. I'm so sorry babe." We hugged each. I groaned in pain due to the hugging.
"Sunshine are you okay?" Chris run to me when I groaned.
"Yeah. You worry too much." I smiled.
"Wait wait ,Babe are you guys a. ...." he trailed off and continued "babe why didn't tell me? I am so happy for I mean super happy." He said happily.

Chris excused himself and went out. Brian and I chatted till I got tired. The doctor came to check on me. He looked happy to see me.
"Doctor I guess you are done checking up on her" Chris said in a harsh tone.
"Yes Mr Johnson. But she must eat and rest now. No more visitations" he smiled at me again and left.
"Why were You so harsh to him?" I bitterly said.
"I didn't like the way he was looking at you" he sounded jealous.
"Are you jealous of him?" I teased him.
"Me jealous of him? I am not jealous because you are mine." He made my heart flattered.
We were about about to kiss and Brian snapped his fingers saying " love birds I'm here" we laughed.
After sometime, my family entered. I felt nervous. I'm scared of my parents wrath.
"Honey, how are you feeling? My mom queried worriedly.
"I'm okay mom" I said without looking at their faces.
"Princess look at me" my dad sat on the bed and covered my face with his hands.
"Don't touch me!" I shouted at him.

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