Chapter 29

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Sorry for not updating recently😣
School is stressing me out😔

Happy reading 📖

Melissa's POV

Where the fuck is this doctor?! I have been waiting for more than 30 minutes now. If the doctor fucks with me, he will surely regret it. I hate people who do not follow their time. Where is my phone dammit?! I think I left it in the car because it is not in my bag. I placed my bag on a table in this warehouse. I am going to take it. When I opened my car, I saw him getting out of his car. He looked everywhere before signaling me to go inside the warehouse. I smiled knowing he is the kind of person I have being looking for. Yes, he is a very competent man and also knows how to do business. He is an evil man, I began laughing. I can't believe I have indeed met a wicked person who is willing to help me finish that bitch. She is the only one giving me hard time to kill.
We started talking about how everything is going to be done. I am starting to like him. He is fun to be with. I have been laughing the whole time. This man's idea is very excellent. I'm going to work with him forever. We were almost done then we heard movements. I realized it was the police surrounding everywhere.
"Fuck Melissa! I thought I told you to come alone and make sure you are not been followed!" He sounded so frustrated.
" I did whatever we discussed! I fucking don't know how they found us!" I couldn't think straight.
"I don't wanna end up  in jail just because of you! You better do something now!" He barked.
"I can't do anything now, it is too late! We can't escape! Look they are everywhere! One fucking move then we are dead! I promise to get you out of this! I know people who can help us! Just trust me and surrender!" I whispered to him. I raised my hand to surrender so did he. He looks so angry.
They came to handcuffed us. I am going mad. I still can't figure out how the police found me unprepared. 

Cherry's POV

When will I leave this hospital! It's almost a week since I got admitted. I need to see that bitch. I'm not okay being at the hospital doing nothing!
"Girlfriend!" Brian happily entered.
"Babe" I said when he kissed my forehead.
"Someone is glaring at me, like he wants to kill me" he joked.
I couldn't control my laughter. I looked at Chris and his facial expression was priceless. He looks like he wants to kill someone.
"I miss babe" I hugged Brian tightly.
"I miss you too but I have a serious problem" he sounded so worried.
"What is it?" I asked.
"Cherry, I think I'm falling for  my boyfriend's sister" he whispered to my ears.
"What!" I was so shocked.
"I thought you are gay!" I still couldn't process what he was telling me.
"Yeah but I can't describe the way I feel about her but I think she is my forever. I even kissed her. Her lips were so soft, I wanted to lavish her body. She also responded to my kisses like she was waiting for it. I am bisexual girlfriend." He was blushing.
"Brian! Get hold of yourself! You are dating her brother. How could you fall for two peo..." I was cut off by some insignificant human being, Sylvester. That jerk who broke my heart.
"What the fuck are you doing here!" I spatted at him.
"I am here to see you and claim you back. I love you Cherry" he began to approach.
"Don't fucking use your filthy hands to touch her"Chris barked at him.
"And who the hell are you?!" He sounded so angry.
"He is the love of my life. The only one who loves me for the way I am. The only one who makes me feel like a woman. He adores me like I am the only woman on earth." I replied him proudly. I felt proud of myself when I was talking, fuck I was even blushing. This is my first time I'm been true to myself.
"Cherry I know you don't mean that. He looked broken and I didn't care.
Chris got up and came to seal my mouth with his. I love this man.

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