Chapter 3

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Cherry's POV

"Mom dad I'm going out" I announced
They looked at me suspiciously.
"What?!"I asked
"Honey, after everything you don't want to change right?" My mom looked disappointed
"What is wrong with the way I'm living my life? I love who I am and I'm not ready to change" I said Confidently
"Honey, we are going to the US tomorrow to meet your in-laws." My mom said bluntly
"What in-laws?" I queried
"You are getting married to one of the Johnsons. I know you know what I'm talking about." She said
"What!!! I'm older than them you know that!!! Sofia will gladly obey you guys but I'm never getting married to anyone if it isn't my choice!!! It's 21st century mom dad!!!" I yelled at them and left the house.

Later in the evening when I got back, I saw my dad in my room. I looked troubled and I got curious.
"Dad what are you doing here?" I asked
"Cherry please do me a big favor and get engaged with him please" he pleaded
"Dad don't get me wrong but you can't force to get engage with anyone. Besides I don't know the one I'm getting engaged to. Please try to understand me too" I sighed and sat on the sofa in my room.
"It's just an engagement, you won't get married. It's just for business! Have mercy on your poor daddy" he bowed down his head sadly
I hate to see my parents like that. They know it's my weakness. I easily feel sympathy for people. I sighed and said "only getting engaged? Hope you don't change your mind! Or else dad you know me."
"Baby girl promise me that no matter what you won't change your mind" he starred at me looking for answer. I nodded and faked smiled.
"Tell me the one I'm getting engaged to?" I asked
"You will know soon love" he kissed my forehead and left

_time skip—

After few hours we are in US. I wanted to rest but my parents insist that we meet the Johnsons. We got to a fancy restaurant and they led us to our table. I greeted Aunt Elena and Uncle Xavier politely. Aunt Elena got up and hugged wholeheartedly.
Now we are waiting for my unknown finance. Why did I even accepted the offer? I guess I accepted the offer to make my ex jealous. No I think I want to change for the better and settle down for good. Because no man will choose to be with me. It's even good my parents arranged for a marriage for me. Right?
Finally, the dumbass jerk is here I'm referring to Christian. I hope he is not the one because we can't stand each other for a day. He greeted everyone and glared at me. I ignored and sipped my drink.
During Lunch, it was awkward. The other Johnson didn't come. I wanted to scream because I knew Christian is the one.
Uncle Xavier broke the awkward silence and bust out the news. That dumbass jerk reaction was hilarious. I wanted to laugh but I pretended to be shocked as well.
I shouted " I'm older than him!!!"
He replied me as " point of correction Madam Clumsy, you are just a month older than me."
I swear I will make his life a living hell
I smirked and said " I agree"
We starred at each other without saying a word. Anytime I'm around him, I feel different. I think it's because of the hate we have for each other.
"I agree too" he faked a smile.
Now let's the game begin!! He is going to regret ever getting engaged to me!!
"You guys are moving in together, starting from today" Aunt Elena said and clapped happily.
"I don't have luggage here" I tried to reason with her.
"Honey they are here" my mom smiled
"What!!!" I regret accepting this fucking damn engagement.

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