Chapter 31

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I will upload the next chapter in three hours.
Happy reading 📖

Chris's POV

I can't believe I'm eavesdropping their conversation. Brian is crazy, in fact he needs to go to therapy. How can he fall in love with two people? Anyway it's none of my business.
I remember telling Sofia to stop that jerk from stepping a foot in this hospital. I wanted to fly and punch him.
Cherish facial expression suddenly changed when she saw him. Her eyes were full of anger and resentment towards that jerk. I swear I would have beaten him if he touched my woman. I felt proud of my sunshine when she spoke proudly of me. My cheeks turned red and I hurriedly went and seal my mouth with hers.
Finally, that Sylvester guy or whatever is gone. Cherish scolded me when she saw how I'm looking at him.

I was dozing off when I heard Cherish calling me. I blushed when she said "sweetheart" she has never called me that before. She wanted to go out for a walk. I didn't want her to get up because it would hurt her wound. I know she is recovering faster than we thought. The doctor has advices us to find her a therapist before she leaves this hospital. Her mental health is not that good. After debating with her for awhile, I gave in. She pulled her tongue to tease me. I helped her sit in the wheelchair and we set off.
She insisted that we enter the labour ward. She was not okay but I will do anything to please her. I caught her secretly crying. I don't care whether we have kids or not. I will be very much happy with her because I promised myself to love her for better for worst. I spotted a particular baby, she was so beautiful and cute. I think Cherish too has seen her. She is crying heavily.
The midwife told us about her and we were eager to adopt her. I felt so happy. I'm going to the father of the cute baby.
Cherish and I entered with the help of one of the nurses.
I picked her up and suddenly she stopped crying. I handed her over to Cherish.
"Chris, she is so adorable." She sounded so happy.
"Yeah she is. I promise to treat her like a princess." My eyes became watery.
"Let's name her Lauren" she suggested.
"Lauren Rissa Johnson" I said.
"Wow I love the name. Thank you Chris for been such a supportive man in my life. I bet you are going to be a wonderful plus an awesome daddy to our daughter." Her words fluttered my heart. "Also Chris, I have found a reason to live. I don't want to be depressed anymore. I want to be a better person for Lauren." I bended down and wipe off her tears with my thumbs.
I excused myself to call my lawyer to start the proceedings. We want to have this baby within one week.
After sometime, we came back to the room. Cherish told everyone about the news. My parents hugged me and told me how they are proud of me. Everyone was happy about our decision.

***two weeks later***
Cherry's POV

Finally I will be out of this hospital tomorrow. These few weeks were the most amazing and happiest moments of my life. I now have my daughter with me. She is so adorable and beautiful. I could stare at her the whole day. Chris told me that he has a surprise for me. I am the happiest woman on earth right now. My life has turned around in few months. I'm no longer that sad bitch who always wished to die.
As for that insane bitch, I'm coming for you. I swear I will beat her up when I visit her in prison. I know she is expecting me.

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