Chapter 25

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Sorry for not updating last week
School is stressing me out😩
Double update this evening 😚
Happy reading 📖

Cherry's POV

"You idiotic bitch! I'm going to kill you" Melissa snarled at me.
"I will rather kill you stupid! I grabbed her hair and punched her.

"Wake up!" I heard someone calling me.
I opened my eyes only to see Chris staring at me with a wide smile on his face.
"Good morning Sunshine" he kissed me on my lips.
"Ewwww I haven't brushed my teeth yet!" I whined.
"It doesn't matter" he kissed me again.
He helped to get up and took me to the washroom to brush my teeth. After brushing, he gave me breakfast.
"Chris, we have to talk" I nervously said.
"Okay." He paid attention to me.
"Chris, I want us to break up. I am sorry to hurt you this way. But you deserve another a better woman not like me. I can't bear you any kids if we were to get married. I am a bad person! Can't you see? I hurt my family especially my sister. I don't even deserve to live. I don't want a good man like you to get stuck to a woman whose life is a mess. I know it is still early in the morning but I have to do this sooner or later. I will be happy if we don't see each other again. You can go to work and live your life. Don't think about me because I'm not worthy of your time. You don't even love me. I know you can forget me. And please one more favor, tell my family not to come to the hospital anymore. I don't want to see them. They should go back to the UK and forget about me. Tell them I am sorry for all the pain I have caused them. Tell Sofia to be happy and not think about whatever pain I put her through. I'm sorry." I tried hard not to cry.
"What are you talking about?!" Sofia entered my room.
"As you heard! You may leave now!" I turned my back towards them.
"Cherish, please don't do this to us. We love you." My mom said.
I didn't turn back to see their faces. I can't stop crying.
When the doctor entered he requested that everyone should get out because it's too early for them to stress me out. He told them that my condition is very bad this morning. My mom came to kiss my forehead before leaving.
One person didn't get out. Even the doctor couldn't sack him. Yeah, it is Chris. He sat on the sofa in the corner of the room. Chris hasn't spoken a word. He is just staring at me. His eyes are watery. This is my first time to see him like this. I don't know why the doctor can't just tell him to get out. Something is wrong with him. He doesn't like my doctor.
Chris and the doctor glared at each other before the doctor left.
"Sunshine, are you okay now?" He asked.
I got confused. Isn't he the same person that I told that we should break up? Or he didn't hear me?
"Don't touch me!" I spatted. "It is over Chris! So leave me alone! Didn't you hear what the doctor said?!" I snarled.
"Sunshine, once you become my woman. You are mine forever. Nobody can separate me from you, not even yourself nor myself. We belong together." He grinned at me.
"Chris!" I sighed.
"Don't talk too much angel because I have fallen for you. I am ready for better or worse, we belong together. I am in love with you Cherish. Nothing can separate me from you. He kissed me on my lips and slept beside me.
God how can I left him go! I'm so frustrated. Am I in love you him too?
YES! That's is why I'm breaking up with him.

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