Chapter 14

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My longest chapter so far😊

Cherry's POV

Chris is already on his way to get me food.  Luckily,I am not in a hospital dress. So escaping will be more easier.
I got up from the bed and slowly went out of the room. I looked at left and right before proceeding with my plan. I began walking fast without looking at anybody because I can get caught nd I will be in trouble because I haven't paid my hospital bills.
"Excuse me Miss Wilson, May I know where you are going?" One of the nurse caught me.
"Errmm I'm going out for fresh air, I will be back soon" I gave a fake smile
"Alright then be careful and don't stress yourself out. And also ma'am, I was on my way to give your receipt. Your fiancé requested for it but I can see that he is not around so you can take and give it to him when he comes to visit again" she smiled genuinely and left.
"Thank you Jesus. I can go in peace" I rejoiced in my head.
Finally, I'm out of the hospital.
I did a small victory dance. I'm going away from reality for 3 good months.

I quickly got into a cab and directly headed to Chris's penthouse to pick up few things. I'm not going with my phone because I can be traced. No nobody in this world knows about my favorite place in the world except my grandma but she is dead. I got out of the cab and told the driver to wait for me because I'm picking up my own credit card and few clothes. I will go for shopping at the mall. I entered the house and went straight to my room to pack up few things.
As I was about to leave the penthouse, the devil incarnate appeared infront of me.
"What the fuck are you doing here?!!" I groaned
"And where the hell do you think that you are going?! He glared at me angrily.
"To meet my parents at the airport"'I lied
"And why are you carrying a traveling bag?" He asked softly
"Errm we are spending time together as a family" I smirked
"Really! You think that you are smart! You are running away from your family. I don't know what is going on between your family but I'm never letting you go anywhere without me!" He said angrily
"Hey what is wrong with you huh?! Isn't this what you always wanted? You can forget about the engagement because it's fake! I'm leaving anyway and you can't stop me. You are nothing to me!" I instantly regret what I said.
"You are fucking lying! Either you go with me or you won't step a foot out of this goddamn building. I know you need sometime alone and I willing to take you anywhere by myself" he calmed down.
"You sure about that?" I queried
"Yes I promise you" he looked sure of his answer.
"Wait here. Let me pay the driver so that we can go to my favorite place in the world. Please do pack your stuffs, at least a few." I smiled at him and was about to go out.
"I have already paid him off. Wait here, I will be back soon" he entered his room.
I have never felt this happy in my lifetime before. Someone is willing to be there for me. He is willing to be my best friend and always be there for me.

Chris's POV

I told the guards to follow her quietly without her noticing anything. I took my order and went straight to my car without looking at that bitch. One of the waitresses has been flirting and eying me trying to seduce me.I didn't pay attention to her. She even went and sat on one to the chairs. She used her hands to roam around her body.
I hate that bitch so much. Thank God, those kind of girls don't attract me.
One of my bodyguards called me and inform me about her current location. I knew she will go to the house first because she doesn't have anything on her. I drove as fast as I could to catch up with her.
I got to the house and saw her leaving a cab. I packed my car opposite the building and waited till she got into the building. I got out of the car. I paid off the driver and thanked him. At first he didn't want to go but I convinced him.
I entered the elevator leading to my penthouse. I got there on a perfect time. She looked surprised and angry at the same time. I know she is going to say mean words to me because she knew I won't let her go. I am ever ready to face her insults. It's either I take her with me or she won't leave here. I know she needs something alone but she looks vulnerable right now. The possibility of her hurting herself is high, The doctor told me. He also said I make sure she starts therapy as soon as possible.
I have told her parents about that and they are so worried about her. I won't tell her about her current state of health. It will affect her badly.
After hearing her usual mean words I excused myself to get few things so that we can leave to wherever she wants.
I came back with a small bag and my laptop because I will be working from there.
We entered my car and I asked her " where do you want us to go?"
"To my favorite place in the world, the beach" her eyes shined with happiness.

How was this chapter?
I know it was boring
I'm sorry, I will try and make it better in the next update☺️

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