Chapter 9

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Cherry's POV

Today is the big day, the party is in the evening and I'm on my way to the Johnson's mansion.
Sofia is with me, so as Brain. I'm already done fighting with the him. Wondering why I fought with him? It's because he was checking out Chris. I did that because he has already have a boyfriend not because I was jealous. Besides, there is nothing going on between me and Chris anyway.
"Sofia" I mumbled
"Yeah" she gave me her attention
"Can you come and stay here with us?" I asked her
"You know I can't, besides I'm schooling over there." She sighed out nervously
"I know but I want you here. You know me better than anyone." I tried to convince her. I want her to move to here because I'm lonely. Brian loves to go out everyday and I am starting to hate that kind of lifestyle. I want to either stay home or work with Chris. I want to make something useful about my life. College life is now over. Also, I'm getting engaged to a responsible guy. Yeah, Chris is a responsible guy. He will never hurt me even though we are not in any relationship, He just respects himself.

Finally, we are at Chris's parents house. I'm going to dress up then I head towards the location of the party. I forgot about the ring Chris gave me in the morning. It is made up of white gold Odessa diamond.It
is so beautiful.

I'm starting to like him

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I'm starting to like him.what the fuck did I just say? Me liking that idiotic jerk. Never, not even in my dreams. It is just business engagement nothing else. We are enemies for life.

Chris's POV

I'm so nervous and mad at myself. I don't want to get engaged to that clumsy girl. She is not the type of girl I want. The only thing that she can do, is to provoke me. I have to do it for my parents.

Fuck!!Kenneth will never stop teasing me. Kenneth is the name of my younger brother. We are really close but not to certain extent. We look so much alike, people thought we are twins. He is about to complete college and take over another business in Mexico.
The men in my family is here at the hostel with me. My grandpa is so mad at dad for forcing me to get engaged. I know I can back up out but my mom will be very disappointed in me. I will do anything for my mother because she is my life. I love her so much.
I'm done wearing my tuxedo and we are about to leave the hostel. I told them to take the lead because I left my phone in the room. I knew today will be a bad day. Guess what, my clingy ex girlfriend is here, I meant ex fuck buddy.
"Hey baby" she started flirting
"Excuse"I tried to sound politely. I passed by her and got in the elevator. She followed me there. I totally ignored her, because she is a slut and she will do anything to get into your bed.
"Baby, I miss you so much" she run her hands through my hair. She is seriously trying to seduce me but today, I have to be Joseph in the Bible.
"Keep your filthy hands of me before I do something I will never regret!!"I hissed at her.
"Wow, the lover boy is mad at me" she grabbed my busts.
"Fuck!!! Stop before I beat you up" I pushed her away.
"Can you?" She smirked and forcefully kissed me. I pulled her away and slapped her.
"Damn you!! You see what you made me do. I warned you that I will never regret my actions" the elevator finally opened and I got out. Leaving her there, looking shocked
I got in the car and my father starred at me angrily.
"Are you fucking serious right now? How can go back and make out with your slut girlfriend of yours?!!!!" My father is super angry right now.
"Dad, she kissed me forcedly!" I tried to defend myself
"Calm Xavier" my grandpa calmed him down.
"You better break up with her before I show you my other side! Out of all the decent girls outside there, you picked up this evil slut! What are you think..." he breathed out and cut himself off.
"Dad, I have broken up with her few weeks ago. I'm sorry" I pleaded
"Dad, don't be hard on him. Today is his big day, please don't make him feel bad" Kenneth talked
"Young man, you better keep your mouth shut" father told him angrily
"Xavier! Stop this right now!" Grandpa scolded father.
"Chris, please clean the lip stick on your lips. And also check if she didn't put a thong in your pocket" Kenneth cautioned me
"Thank you bro" I hugged and check out myself before entering the venue.
The party started and everyone around started enjoying themselves. Big businessmen came with their beautiful wives. People kept on congratulating and hugging me.Now it's time for Cherish to come. I went to meet her because I'm her fiancé.
I saw her coming downstairs and she looked so beautiful. I couldn't take my eyes of her. I took her hands and kissed her on the lips. I couldn't control myself, she responded to my kisses and the crowd started cheering.

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