Chapter 26

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Sofia's POV

I am very happy this morning. Guess what I'm going to see my sister again. Seeing her makes me happy. Nathan called me last night and I explained everything to him. He is happy for me. I love him because he is very supportive and understanding. He wanted to come from the UK but I told him I am okay. Nathan lives here in the US but schools in the UK. His father is a billionaire. At first, I thought he was one of the spoiled rich kids but he proved me wrong. He is working hard to achieve something for himself just like what my dad did. My dad came from a rich home but he worked hard for his own wealth. Nathan has started a small business and I am working with him. It is our little secret. He is not my boyfriend yet. I am in love with him. I know for sure that he doesn't feel the same way. We are just good friends helping each other out.
I am hoping that he falls for me soon. I am never giving up on my love for him. He belongs to me.
"Honey are you done?!" My mom called me.
"Yes mom. We can go" I said happily.
We left with Aunt Elena. My dad left with Uncle Xavier early this morning. They said they are going to the police station. They are helping the police catch the culprit. I hope they catch that evil person soon.
When we reached the hospital and we went straight to Cherry's room. We heard her talking with Chris and we decided to eavesdropped their conversation. My mom break down crying when she heard Cherry telling Chris to tell us to go home. Aunt Elena hugged her and comforted her. I entered without knocking. How can she do this to us?! Doesn't she love us anymore?! She feels like she is unworthy to be with us! She thinks that she is the bad person in the family. I am the bad one. Everything is happening because of me.
The doctor came and asked us to step outside. I continued to sob. She doesn't want to see me again. She wants me happy without her. We can't be happy without her.

Chris's POV

When Cherry was talking, I wasn't listening her. I kept staring at her beautiful face and her lips. I wanted to make love to her now. But her condition is not good. My eyes became watery when I realized she was crying. I hate to see her this way. She thinks she can push everyone away from her. I won't back out. I know she is doing this because she is depressed. I glared at the doctor when he entered. He requested that everyone should get out. But I am not getting out. I don't trust him. He likes my woman. The way he looks that her makes me want to kill him. He couldn't even sack me,he kept on glaring at me. If he thinks that he can get my woman then it is a lie. He is the main reason that I want to transfer her to a different hospital. Last night, I requested for a change of doctor for her but they declined my offer. I couldn't give any tangible reason.
As for that bitch Melissa, the police will catch her soon. She is here in the hospital, she won't run away without completing her mission. They police have set spies at every conner of the hospital. They are watching all her moves before they make a move. If they rush, she can escape. She is a smart bitch.

Melissa's POV

That bitch survived. She is lucky to get away this time. I have my men all over the hospital. I make sure she is dead within the next three days. No one can take my man away from me. She is the first person giving me hard time killing her. I paid one of the nurses to kill her but she couldn't. The security around her room has increased. I have to find a way to kill her. I think I have to persuade the doctor. He is the only one who is allowed to enter her room apart from her family.

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