Chapter 20

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I was in a rush when I wrote this chapter😫
It contains much errors than the previous ones.

Chris's POV

"What the fuck is going on here?!" I yelled as I approached them.
There were a lot of people surrounding them. Some were even pulling Cherish off her. I wanted to pass through the crowd but I couldn't. They blocked me from seeing the one she is fighting with. I got angry and pushed through the crowd to get my sunshine. When she saw me, she stopped fighting and hugged me tightly crying. I couldn't concentrate anymore because I hate to see her cry. I pulled her out of the crowd and we headed towards the hotel. I carried her in my arms. No one talked, it was an awkward silence. It was comfortable even though I'm supposed to confront her for behaving like that on the beach.
When we reached our suit, I wanted to shout at her. I put on a stern facial expression because I hate to confront people.
"I can explain Christian" she said sadly and I blush anytime she mention my full name.

Cherry's POV

I was busy teasing my man. Yes he is my man now. I am so possessive when it comes to my man. I know it looks weird for a lady to act possessive of her man. That mysterious woman kept glaring at me from a long distance. I pretended not to see her. I straddled him to make her jealous. I looked closely at her and she looked familiar. I have just ignored my conscience. Maybe I'm just imagining things. I was swimming and I saw her holding a bottle. I know she was approaching me. I pretended that I haven't seen her. I swear I will beat her up if she tries something stupid. I prepared my attack very well. When I saw her near ,I identified it was Melissa, Christian's ex clingy girlfriend. Wondering how I knew her? Well, first of all, my sister told me about her and she even showed me her pictures. Also, His parents told me about her on the engagement day. I learnt they kissed that day but It was her fault. She kissed him forcedly. I didn't react on that because I knew my relationship with him was fake. Finally, I saw her at our engagement party. Nobody noticed her, she was hiding. That was one of the main reasons I responded to Christian kisses that day.
"Melissa!!!" I screamed.
"You ugly stupid bitch! I swear I'm going to kill you!!" She was about to hit me with the bottle and I held it on top. I kicked her out of the water with my leg. I got on top of her and started slapping her. I pulled her hair, she groaned in pain. I know I'm hurting her but I didn't care. I continued to beat her up till people started surrounding us. Two people tried to pull me off her, they couldn't because I become strong when I am angry. I pretended to cry when I saw Christian. I cried and cried as if she was the one who beat me up. I took advantage of his weakness. I know he easily have sympathy for people. That is one thing I liked about him when we were little. He carried me and I continued my crocodile tears. I didn't want him to see her because it will be a disaster. I began explaining myself as soon as we reached our suit. He understood me but he was angry at the fact that I beat her up. I didn't tell him the truth. I lied to him, I don't want him to know that it was his witch ex.

Sofia's POV

Uncle Xavier received a picture from an autonomous number. It was Cherish and Christian at a hotel. The person even sent us the location. I am so happy that finally I'm going to see my sister and apologize to her. She has a very kind heart unlike me. I find it hard to forgive people. As for Cherry, she always say that if she holds on to grudges it will reduce her lifespan because it will only give her high blood pressure and heat attack. it's funny though. That is one of the reasons I looked up to her. She is selfless. At times, I wonder why she is suffering from depression. I wish she won't be sad anymore.

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