Chapter 10

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This chapter is very short and boring 😩

Happy reading

Cherry's POV

I responded to his kisses with everything in me. I wished that we were alone. I pulled out of the kiss when the crowd was still cheering out loud.
Fuck! I don't regret kissing him though. His lips are so soft, I blushed at the thought of that. He bowed down his head and refused to look at me till his father interrupted.
"I'm so sorry" he whispered into ears as we take our seats. I felt embarrassed and mad. How can he say that after making me feel this way?! I hate him so much.

Chris's POV

I regret my sudden actions. I didn't mean so kiss her roughly but she looked so beautiful when she was coming downstairs. I apologized to her for my actions. She ignored me like I don't exist.

The party was lit. I'm really enjoying myself. I have even forgotten that it is my engagement party. The MC called me and Cherish to come and take our first dance as a couple. She rolled her eyes on me as she took my hand. I don't understand her sudden change of behavior.
The music started slowly and we both danced in each other's arms. We are pretending to be a happy couple in love. And I think we just proved that with the kiss I gave her.
"Cherish, are you okay?" I asked her as we we were dancing.
"You idiotic jerk!" She whispered back angrily
"Are sure that you are not drunk?" I laughed and turned her over.
"I hate you so much" she grinned and I pulled her back into my arms.
Our parents joined as on the dance floor so as most of the people. I spotted Sofia with some guy. Her eyes were shining with love. I think that is Nathan, the guy she told me about.

Elena Johnson's POV

I was happy to see our kids getting engaged. I know it wasn't a good idea to force my son to get engaged but I can feel the chemistry between them. They love each other but none of them is willing to see the truth. The way they stare at each other is something else. My husband was mad at my decision to get them engaged. I was able to convince him to agree because he loves me so much. Yes, I threatened him. I told him I was going to leave him for good and he agreed. He even begged me and treated me with extra care. I know it's childish but it was the only to make him understand. Cherish is the only one who can make my son be himself without faking.

Cherry's POV

Chris is so annoying, how can he tease at this crucial moment. "What crucial moment?" I thought. I'm happy that my mother is happy. Her eyes is filled with happiness. I glad for once in my lifetime, I'm able to make her happy. I'm also happy that I'm changing slowly. Changing takes time and it is very hard. I'm having a hard time adjusting to the changes.

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