Chapter 24

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Cherry's POV

"Don't touch me!" I shouted out at my dad. I didn't mean to shout at him. I was just having a hard time breathing and I wanted space.
"Dad I can't brea...." I trialed out. I begin to hiccuping.
"Cherry just breathe in and out" my dad panicked.
I couldn't do anything. Everything became blur for me. Am I dying? Everything suddenly became black.

Chris's POV

What is happening to her?! I run out to call the doctor. She was shaking so bad.
"DOCTOR!" I shouted. One of the nurses came out and I told her what is happening. She run faster to call the doctor. The doctor quickly went to Cherry's room. I followed him. He checked her oxygen that is supporting her to breath first and fixed something there. Her breathing was becoming stable and He injected her to make her fall asleep.
"Someone turned off her oxygen." He stated.
"Doctor how? I have been here the whole time. I suddenly remembered the look on the nurse's face when I entered. Wait, when I entered I saw one of your nurses who was about to administer medication on her. She stopped when she saw me." I told the doctor.
"I didn't give any instructions to any nurse. Are you sure about what you are saying Mr Johnson?" He questioned me.
"Yes doctor. She was even surprised to see me." I replied him.
"I will be back" he announced and left.
If someone turned off her oxygen, how was she able to breathe for this short time? I followed the doctor to ask him About what I was thinking. He told me that she can breathe on her own but not for long.
Everyone got out because the doctor instructed it and I sat beside her and caressed her face. My eyes are watery. I thought I was losing her. God please don't take her away from us. She deserves better. Sofia hugged me tightly and started crying.
"Sofia she needs us to be strong not weak. If she wakes up to see you like this, it will weaken her." I consoled her.
"But I can't bear to see her suffer to this extend. It is my fault! Everything is my fault! Ever since that incident happened she has never been the same happy girl. The happiness in her eyes died the day that she shot me. She has been suffering her whole life. There is no light in her eyes again. I want my sister back" she continued to cry.
"It is never your fault. She will get better and be happy again. I promise you." I assured her.
"Hey let's go outside and talk" Sofia pulled me out.
"Can I ask you something?" She pouted her face.
"Yes" I smiled at her reaction .
"Do you have feelings for  my sister?" Her face suddenly became serious.
"Sofia!" I tried not to answer her.
"Just answer me! Because her ex boyfriend is on his way here to claim her back. He has regretted everything he did to her. He called me and I told him what happened to Cherish." She bowed down her head as usual.
"What are you talking about?!!" I was getting angry.
"Sofia listen to me , Cherish is mine! So call that idiot not to step a foot in this hospital!" I almost yelled at her.
"Christian get hold of yourself. Cherry didn't love him. She has feelings for you but always denies it. That is why I was asking you if you feel the same way about her." She hugged and whispered " thank you for caring so much about my sister."
"Hey it's late, your parents should rest especially your mom. She has been crying the whole day." I suggested to her.
"No you go with your parents and mine. I will stay with my sister." She said
"No you go, I will stay her" I followed her to Cherish's room. We managed to convince her parents to go and rest at the hotel. Her mother didn't want to leave her but my mom talked to her.

When they left, I ordered my guards to guide the door. They are not allowed to let anyone enter without my notice. I have to protect her. I called the police to tell them about someone trying to kill Cherish. They came here and talk with my dad and her father. We don't want the women to know. Melissa has hired someone in this hospital to kill my sunshine. I wanted to transfer her to a different hospital but her condition is not good. We have agreed to move her in four days time.

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I know it was boring😒

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