Chapter 4

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Cherry's POV

This idiot won't stop teasing me. We are on our way to his penthouse. My parents seems so happy and I don't fucking understand. Making me settle with my enemy is not the best idea. I swear this man will regret ever being engaged to me. My sister is very close to him, they treat each other nicely except me. Sofia always say that he is a good man and she doesn't like him. I don't understand though. I read novels a lot and always two sisters fight over a guy but my sister doesn't like this man even though they are best friends.
What am I even talking about? Anyway don't mind my stupid thoughts.
"Dumbass" I called him but he didn't respond
"CHRISTIAN!!" I shouted
"You are a witch" he said laughing
"What!!! How dare you call me that!!" I spatted
"Cool down princess. Learn to talk politely and stop calling me dumbass" he grinned
"I want us to talk before we reached your penthouse" I suggested
" Okay, let it flow dear" he paid attention to me.
"I want us to make rules because I know you are a playboy no renowned playboy rather" I said
" I love that, I didn't know you could reason up like this Miss Clumsy" he smirked
"I hate you so much!!"I yelled
"Me more dearie" he replied

Finally, we reached his penthouse and I settled. He told me that he has to go back to the office. I nodded and he left. I remember to call my best friend Brian, I miss him.
"Hey biggie" I said when he picked up
"Stop calling me biggie because I'm not fat!!" He scolded
"I miss you" I cried out
" I miss you too love" he responded
"Brian, I'm sorry to tell you that I'm not longer staying in UK. I'm in the USA now and I'm engaged to some dumbass idiot" I busted out
"What girlfriend!!! I feel so bad for that handsome fiancé of yours" he sounded happy for me
"Indeed you have to" we laughed together
"I'm also moving to the US with my current boyfriend. I didn't want to come there but since you are  there , I will come. So We can party everyday!!he screamed happily
"Brian!!! I'm changing Okay and we are changing together. No more changing of boyfriends every month and also you have to stop having sex with every guy you meet!! I said it in stoic sound.
"Wow see who is advising me" he teased
"I'm fucking damn serious, you man whore" I laughed out loud
"See soon best friend" he said and I ended the call.

I'm so bored here. I don't have any friends here also. I miss my family especially my sister. We talk about  everything, I love her so much. She is going to be alone now.
Wait, why don't I invite her here? She is best friends with the so called fiancé.

Chris's POV

I have to admit, Cherish is so annoying. She is always shouting and calling me names. I really want us to stay cool with each other but she keeps on provoking me. One thing I noticed about myself anytime I'm with her is that I'm always myself. I don't fake like when I'm with other girls. I really want us to be friends since we were kids but she was so clumsy.
I'm happy that I'm engaged because my pestering ex girlfriend would stop worrying everyday about us getting back together. Wait, I said my ex girlfriend!!! No, we were just fucking buddies but she considered that we are dating. She will fight Cherish if she sees me with her. But my Cherish is not easy, she will deal with her the way I want.

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