Chapter 32

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The next update will be epilogue.
Thank y'all so much for reading,voting and commenting❤️

Cherry's POV

"Chris are we there yet?" I got curious. He has covered my eyes with an scalp.
"Patient sweetheart." He said.
He removed the scalp and whispered "surprise!! Welcome to our home."
I was speechless, the house was so beautiful. I hugged him him and kissed him all over his face.
"It's okay sweetheart. Save the rest for tonight." he smirked.
"Naughty man" I hit his arm.
I entered the house and saw our family already there.
I looked up saw the "WELCOME  HOME CHERRY, WE LOVE YOU" written boldly.
Everyone came and hugged me. Lauren started crying when she saw her daddy. She adores her father so much. It's been 24 hours since I saw my angel. My sister took care of her. Sofia showed me pictures of my daughter's room.
Chris took her from Sofia and kissed her forehead, She giggled. It was a very cute reaction. We will hire a nanny . My princess will be three months old very soon. I planning for a party for her.
Soon my surprise welcoming party was over.  Christian surprised everyone when he kneeled before me.
"Sunshine, I'm not good with words but I will force. You have been such a blessing to my life as well as this beautiful cute princess,Everyone giggled. I know our parents forced us to get engaged to each other even though I liked it,I don't know about you. I wasn't aware of my love for you for very long time now. You make me a better version of myself. I don't fake anything when I'm with you. I love you so much my sunshine. I promise to love and take care of you forever. I promise to protect you with my life. Life without you will be very miserable. You have shine my life ever since you came into it. I woke up everyday with a smiling face and a red cheeks. Cherish Wilson, will you do me the honor by marrying me?"
"YES YES" I screamed.
He got up and kissed me. This kiss was filled with love.
"Christian, I promise to be a wonderful partner to you. I have to admit this, I have been crushing on you since we were kids. My love for you grows everyday, it becomes stronger as the day goes by. Thank you for accepting me for the way I am.
We sealed our forever with a kiss. Everyone congratulated us. My mom shed tears of joy. Aunt Elena kissed my forehead and I was surprised. She welcomed me into her family. That night we made love till sleep consumed us.

***time skip***

I'm super angry now. That so called client has been all over my man. I guess he was enjoying it. He has been laughing the whole time. How dare he invite her into our home. Lauren is asleep right now. I wish my princess could wake up and cry. She cries anytime she sees her daddy with any woman. I got up and signaled him to follow me.
"You dumbass, stop right there before I bust your head!!!" I yelled
"What is wrong with you!!! Can't we live for a day without fighting?!" Chris glared at me
"No never not until you change!!! I spatted at him.
"I'm leaving, you can do whatever you want!! Future Mrs Johnson" he smirked at me.
"You better leave with your whore before I start!!!
"My dear fiancée is jealous" he started laughing.
"Me jealous of that bitch. Never!!! Anyway, I'm going to a party with my friends. I will come back tomorrow morning" I kissed his cheeks and left
"What!!!!" He shouted.
This is the perfect time to visit Melissa.
I instructed the nanny to take good care of my angel. This is my first time leaving the house without her.
Chris began to chase me. I quickly entered the car the drive off fast. If I tell him where I'm going, he won't allow. As that bitch of a client I will come back for her. She thinks she can flirt with my man, she doesn't know the plan I have for her.
I parked my car when I reached the prison.
I greeted the policemen and I told them I was looking for Melissa.
I sat down and waited for her. She panicked when she saw me.
"What are you doing?!!" She snarled at me.
"It seems prison has affect your manners." I smirked.
"You crazy bitch!!' I swear I will kill you!!" She groaned.
"Oh you are totally insane now. I wished I could hold you right now pathetic bitch. I'm imagining how I'm gonna beat you up till you can't get up!!" I spatted at her.
"I hate you so much. I ended up her because of YOU!! You will pay for this!!" She shouted.
"Anyway I came over to invite you to my weeding. Oh sorry, I didn't know you can't come. You will be in prison till you die bitch. Just take the invitation card." I pushed it to her. I wish I could hold her and teach her a lesson.
"Cherish Wilson, I hate you!!!" She looked so angry.
"Bye bitch!! Wait , I will visit you frequently to torture you !!I smirked and left.

I got home and meet a piercing eyes. Chris was glaring at me whiles feeding Lauren.
"Where did you go?!" He sounded angry.
"Nowhere sweetie" I kissed him lips.
"Cherish!! Stop testing my patience." He warned.
I ignored him and kissed my princess.
"Where is that bitch?" I asked him calmly.
"She is gone and you will never see her again. My PA will deal with her from now on." He answered but he stilled looked angry.
"That's good. I love you so much." I smiled at him.
"Cherish you will pay for making me angry in the bedroom. And also visiting Melissa without telling me. I will punish you!!!" He smirked at me.

The end.

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