Chapter 19

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Sorry for not updating 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️

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I really appreciate it. Thank you so much once again.
You guys just made my day a happy one.
I was feeling down lately😫
Thank you for making me happy.
Love y'all

Cherry's POV

I woke up and saw that Chris was already out of bed. I went to the bathroom to do my daily routine. I came out to dress up, I wore shorts with a crop top.
My stomach was grumbling, I realized I haven't eaten since yesterday afternoon.
I came out of the bedroom only to find Chris dancing sexily. Fuck, this jerk is turning me on. He stop dancing when he saw me.
"Good morning fiancée" he greeted me with a kiss on my lips.
"Morning boo" I hugged him tightly. I still don't believe that this is actually happening. Maybe it's a dream. I never thought we can become a couple. I know we don't love each other yet but I can tell that we like each other.
"Cherry! Are you listening to me?" He pulled me out of my reverie.
"U..uh y...yeah" I replied him.
"Then let's go" he held my hands
"Where?" I asked
"To eat breakfast" I looked at me curiously. "Princess, are you okay?" He queried me worriedly
"Yeah yeah." I smiled at him.
We sat down to eat. The food was super delicious. I kept moaning and saw that Chris was looking at me without touching his food.
"Sunshine stop moaning like that" he mumbled. I just laughed at him.

Unknown POV

That bitch is busy having fun with my property, I mean my fucking life INVESTMENT. I just want to go and strangle her right now. I hate the way she is drooling around him. I swear I will kill her before she leaves here. She has captured his heart. Every other girl who came into his life couldn't make him smile the way he is smiling. His eyes is full of affection for her. I hate that! I have to do something before they even think of getting married. I am the only chosen wife for him.
Oh my gosh, she is straddling him on the beach. Doesn't she have any manners? I hate that stupid bitch. Do they think that they are the only one of the beach? Does he even think about me?! My heart is hurting so bad. I think I have to leave before I get a heart attack.

Chris's POV

After breakfast, we make out for awhile then we came to the beach. Sunshine is so happy. It seems she has forgotten about her problems. Did I just say sunshine? I think I am falling for her faster than I thought. I am genuinely happy right now. This is the best moment of my life.
She was flirting around me. She began twerking sexily on my laps.
"Cherish stop before I make love to you right here." I whispered. She looked at me and then smiled.
This woman is seriously testing my patience. She run away when she saw my erection. She was laughing at me so hard. She run to the water to swim. She gave me a signal to come. In fact I have forgotten that there are people here. I realized it when I found someone staring at me. She looked familiar but she quickly run away. I hope it's not that bitch ex fuck buddy of mine. She is so crazy, I think she needs help mentally. That was one of the reasons why I left her. She began behaving really weird. Wondering about the name of my crazy ex? She is called Melissa. It was an on and off relationship. I ended things with her for good when my mother got really furious about our relationship. As for my dad, he never liked her. Dad never told me the reason until I ended things with her. She tried to hit on my dad whiles she was with me.
I came out of my thoughts when I saw Cherish beating someone up. She is on top of her slapping her hard on the face.
"What the fuck is going on here!" I yelled as I approached them.

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