Chapter 2

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Cherry's POV

"Honey are you okay" my parents rushed to my room
I continued crying and screaming, I can't believe that stupid jerk did that to me.
"Talk to me Baby girl" my dad seems desperate
"Sly broke up with me because of my lifestyle!!" I continued crying
"Baby girl, we both know that it's true. Don't feel offended honey but the way you are living your life won't help you." My dad said
"But daddy there is nothing wrong with the way I am, I wish you guys would accept for the way I am. Going to clubs, partying and being carefree is part of life daddy!! I don't wish to change!!" I almost yelled.
"Watch the way you talk young woman!!" My mom reprimanded me
"Please leave I want to be alone" I told my parents.
"I'm never leaving you alone" my mom sat on my bed and hugged me tightly. I cried till I slept.

Chris's POV

"Get fuck out of my room!!" I shouted at the maid.
"But sir...." I cut her off
"Just get the fuck out of here!!!" I sacked her.
I know she is crying but I don't care. I hate it when they disturb my sleep. My sleep is more important than anything in this world. I love to work all the time but when I get to bed I don't want anyone in my room. My parents always fight with because of that.
I got up and went to the bathroom to do my business. I'm almost late for work and I hate been late.

I got downstairs and I was about leave. I won't eat breakfast today because I'm super late. It's 7:45 and I'm supposed to be at work before 8am.
"Chris Honey" my caring beautiful mom called me
"Mom I'm late, I can't eat breakfast with you guys" I said
"But it is not yet 8am" she pouted her face
"Mom I'm the CEO and I must be there before 8am. I won't come home today, I will go to my penthouse. Bye I love you" I  kissed her forehead.
"Chris! Don't you dare send a woman to your penthouse!! Stop womanizing please." She said strictly
"Mom!! I'm not a womanizer. Besides I don't have sex in my penthouse. But you know I just love to get photographed with ladies." I sighed
I know it's crazy but it is because of my pestering ex girlfriend. She doesn't understand the fact that it is over. So I have to pretend to be a playboy. Always with different ladies. My parents knows that but my mom don't trust me if that is my reason. Besides I love to have sex with ladies. Am I that weird? Anyway, I don't accept the fact that I'm a playboy.

Finally, I got to the office and greeted my assistant. My assistant is a male because females always try to seduce me. I don't give in cause I don't want to fuck my employees. I respect myself.
"Sir your parents wants to meet you at Lunchtime." My assistant said
"What!! Why didn't mother tell me at home? You can leave now James." I dismissed him.

We just got out of a meeting with my new investor. I'm going to meet at my parents. I asked of the location and my assistant told me. I ordered my driver to drive straight to the location. I don't want to go but my parents are more important. My personal assistant will take care of things at the office. I like him because he is good in everything he does. He is strict, discipline and gentle. My employees are even scared of him than me. And it makes me happy to have someone like that.
I reached there and I was lead to my parents table. I saw that clumsy girl with her parents too. I don't know why my heart always beat faster whenever I see her. I greeted everyone and took my seat.
Cherish and I glared at each other. I don't call her Cherry like everyone I prefer Cherish. We always fight when we meet because we don't like each other. I think that is the reason why my heart always beats faster when we meet.
We started eating awkwardly. It's uncomfortable because our parents seemed tensed.
"Cherry Chris we have something to say to you both " my father broke the awkward silence.
"What is it dad?" I queried
He sighed and started " we want both of you to get engaged"
"What!!!! Never to this girl!! I shouted
"Mom daddy why will do this to me,you guys want me to get engaged to that dumbass jerk!!! I'm older than him!! She spatted out.
"Point of correction, Madam clumsy, you are just a month older" I smirked
"I hate you!!" She said angrily
"I hate you more darling" I laughed.
I didn't realize we were staring at each other without saying a word.

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