Chapter 11

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Chris's POV

**time skip***
It's been three days since I got engaged to that clumsy princess. Ever since that day, she has become quite. She doesn't argue with me anymore. She is becoming more of submissive fiancé. I know she is planning something evil. But I don't like her this way, I prefer the crazy Cherish who doesn't care about anything. I feel so disturbed about her sudden change of behavior. Maybe she is depressed and she is planning to hurt herself. I have to call Sofia to inform her because I'm scared. I hate to see someone suffering so much of depression and anxiety.

I'm going home early today to check on her. I don't know why I am starting to care about that so called fiancé of mine. But I hate her with so much passion and I don't understand what I'm feeling.

Cherry's POV

I hate feeling this way. I can't figure what is wrong with me! I keep pushing everyone away. Brian is mad at me because I treated him badly since yesterday. Chris too tries to provoke me but I ignore him. I listen to him without arguing with him. I don't want to fight him because I'm not in the mood for that. I just wanted to die! I hate this life so much! Nobody loves me! Everything I do always piss off my family. They don't love me. I'm the one always pleasing them. My parents claim to love me but I don't believe them. They always see me as a bad person. I didn't mean to hurt my sister verbally
I saw my sister dancing with some guy. I got surprised because I have never seen my sister with a guy before. An idea popped into my head. I'm going to tease her after she finished dancing with him. I have to admit, the guy is so handsome but cannot compared with Chris . Chris is way much better than him. "What did I just say?!" In fact Chris is so ugly I grinned
"Hey sister" I said happily when I approached her. She was standing there alone.
"Hey" she blushed looking at the direction of the guy.
"So who is that lucky guy?" I teased
"Oh just a friend of ...." She trailed off when the guy finally approached us holding two drinks.
"Hello, I'm Nathan" he introduced himself
"I'm Cherish but people call me Cherry" I smiled at him
"Nice to meet you" we shake hands and I kept glaring at my sister who is busy blushing.
"Anyway let me excuse myself so that you guys can chat" he smiled and left.
"That idiotic jerk is so gentle. I bet you that he is a fuck boy " I said  teasingly
"Who is that idiotic jerk?" She asked
"I was referring to your friend who just left" I smiled
"Cherry What is wrong with you?! How dare you call him an idiotic jerk?! You better watch the way you speak about everything ! He is not like your ex boyfriends! She sounded angry
"Sofia I was ju..." she cut me off by saying " you are my sister and I don't expect you to call my friends names.
"Sorry" I apologized. I felt humiliated by my own sister. I excused myself to the washroom. My mother busted in angrily.
"Cherry when are you going to stop humiliating your sister in public! What is wrong with you! Stop bullying your sister!! Your attitude around your sister is so bad! I hate that!! She left me looking so speechless. I couldn't even utter a word. Tears started dropping off from my eyes. I cleaned them up and fixed myself. There were two girls standing there watching me.
I got back to the party and I saw my daddy with Sofia. I went there to apologize again to my sister. But my dad too humiliated me. They always treat me this way when I was a kid. Whenever I tried to play with my sister, they acted badly. I apologized again to Sofia and left them there.

End of flashback

At times, I feel like I'm not part of the family. They always hurt me emotionally. I always appear strong but I'm a broke girl within. They care so much about my sister . I wish someone care about me too. I wish they know me better.

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