Chapter 17

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This chapter is full of grammatical errors.
I'm sorry 😐

Don't read if you hate too much errors !!

Cherry's POV

I took Chris's phone and put it on flight mood. I don't want anybody disturbing us anymore. His PA has been calling him more than 3 times already. We are going to enjoy ourselves not to work. Anyway, I didn't force him to go with me.

***time skip***
It's been three hours since we arrived at the hotel. The place is so beautifully decorated. I'm so much in love with the place. But something is odd. There is a mysterious girl who keeps watching every move we take,Chris hasn't seen it yet. I bet she doesn't know that I have seen her. She is too weird for my liking. How can someone follow people you don't know. Or someone sent her to harm us?! Fuck! Why didn't I think about that first? I'm so stupid. I have to tell Chris when we reach our suite.
I tried to act normal but I can't. I'm scared of the way she is gazing at me. I swear I will beat the her out of her when she tries something evil. I held Chris's arm tightly and forced a smile. I looked back to her and she looked like she is going to murder me. I was pissed off and told Chris to look back.
"What's there?" He asked.
"There is a strange woman who keeps following us ever since we got here." I replied.
"But there is no one there at the direction you told me to look? Are you imagining things now? He laughed at me.
"You are so annoying" I was totally pissed off.
So she hid and made me look like a fool. I will catch her by myself and I will beat her up.

Unknown POV

I am busy enjoying my vacation till I saw the love of my life entering the hotel I am residing for the meantime. Wait! He is with a woman! That man thinks that he can get rid of me and take another woman. It is a fucking lie, he is my property. The only treasure I have been protecting for years now. No one can ever separate us. Till death do us part baby. I decided to follow them quietly to their suite without him noticing me. That bitch won't stop been clingy. I hate it when people touch my property. I watched them closely and she whispered something into his ears. He turned back and I quickly hide. I can't get caught just like that. That bitch will regret ever getting engaged to my property. Yes, I know she is one going to marry him soon. But it's a lie! She will die soon like I did to all the bitches who wanted my property. Christian Johnson is mine forever!

Chris's POV

We reached our suite and Cherish's eyes roam about the place.
"It's so beautiful" she smiled genuinely at me.
"I'm glad that you like it" I smiled back.
I'm so glad that she is happy. I stepped out to make a call. I took my phone from her and realized it was on a flight mood. I think she wants us to spend time together without any calls from anyone.
I will respect her decision but first I have to call my PA to tell him about our trip to Hawaii. I want him to do the necessary requirements before the trip.
The moment I removed it from flight mode, my dad called.
"Hi dad" I said when I picked up.
"Where the fuck are you?!" He sounded furious.
"I can't tell you dad. I'm sorry" I pleaded him.
"Christian!! Tell me where you are before I found you myself and you will not like what will happen to you!! He shouted.
"Don't you dare threaten my son honey!" My mother warned him and he calmed down.
"Honey, are you with Cherry?" My mother asked me.
"Yes mom but I'm sorry I can't tell you where we are. She wants sometime alone. Please do tell her family. We will be back within three days." I stated.
"Christian, where are you?" Cherish called out. This is the first time she has called me by full name. Fuck! My cheeks are red.
"Mom please I have to go. I love you" I quickly ended the call.

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