Chapter 18

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I will be publishing new story very soon.

Happy reading 📖


Cherry's POV

This dumbass jerk is on the phone talking. I don't know the person he is talking to but I'm so angry at him. He asked me to change so that we go to the beach. I intentionally called him to make him stop talking on the phone. We are here to enjoy ourselves not to do business here!
"You ready?" He asked softly.
"Yes! Let's go!" I rolled my eyes on him.
"If you dare rolled your eyes ever on me again, I will give you a mind blowing kiss." He smirked.
He pulled me back and started kissing me roughly. He removed my dress and it was left with my bikini. He started kneading my breasts with his hands as he started kissing my neck. I was so lost in what he was doing and wanted more.
He pushed me to the bed and got on top of me. He got back kissing me while his hands roam my body. I felt his hand massage my core.
"Chris" I murmured his name.
"You are so wet for me princess."he inserted two hands in me without breaking off the kiss. He was fingering me with his other hand circling my cl*t. I moan out at every thrust.
"I want you Chris" I whispered
"I think we should stop" he got off me and smirked at me.
"Remember never to roll your eyes on me"  he gave me a peck on my forehead.
"Chris!" I shouted desperately
"Come on let's go" he helped me got up
"We are not going anywhere! After making me feel this horny, you want us to go! Either we have sex now or we are not stepping out!"I swallowed my pride and felt embarrassed after saying that.
"If I make love to you right now, you will be mine forever and I'm so possessive when it comes to my woman. Our relationship will be real." He said
"I have agreed now make love to me." I pushed him to bed and started kissing him.
"Wait, no backing out after this" he grinned.
"Fuck yes!" I began straddling him. I helped him removed his shirt and trouser. I began rubbing his c*ck through his boxer.
"Cherish don't fucking stop" he moaned.
I slowly removed his boxer and saw length,I gasped back. It was so long and fat.
"Don't be afraid of him. He won't hurt you"he said huskily.
I became wetter than I was before. I took his full length into my mouth. I began sucking him. "Cherish" he moaned.
He pulled me off him and got on me. He removed my  panties and spread my legs.
He thrusts into me hardly.
"Christian!" I moan out loudly
"Ouch my princess is such a screamer" he increased the pace at at which he was going.
"You are so tight princess" he whispered.
We made love till it was midnight.

Chris's POV

I woke up and saw Cherish sleeping on my  chest. I kissed her forehead and remembered yesterday. We made love till midnight. We haven't eaten since yesterday afternoon because we were too busy. I got out from bed to order for breakfast for us.

Last night was wonderful. The way Cherry rubbed my c*ck, fuck I'm so hard right now. Why did I think of that? It's early morning for Christ sake Christian! Stop thinking about it before you go back in there and make love to her again! She is humgry and tired! I scolded myself.

Sofia POV

Uncle Xavier called Chris  and he picked up. He insisted of him telling us his location, Chris didn't tell him. Uncle Xavier even threatened him but he didn't tell him.
I'm so worried about them especially my sister. Where are they? I asked myself.
It's my fault! If I wasn't so mean to her, she wouldn't have run away from us. I know she doesn't want to see us ever again. I want to see my sister! I saw everyone looking at me. Then I realized I said it out loudly.
"Honey, your sister will come back, I promise you." My mother said and hugged me tightly.
"I want to see her! I want to make her feel better again! I'm such a bad person!" I broke down crying.
"You are not a bad  person. Cherry will come back to us" we cried together.
Aunt Elena looked so worried and a bit angry at Chris.

Chris and Cherry are finally together
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