Chapter 30

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Cherry's POV

"Cherry, let's talk later" Brian excused himself.
"No manwhore! We are going to talk right now!" I smirked at him.
"Chris, can you please go back to what you were doing? I really need to talk to Brian. And you! I pointed at Sylvester, please leave we have nothing to talk about. I'm very much happy with my life now. And one more thing, I don't hate you. You can call me whenever you need my services." I smiled at him.
"Bye Cherry. I will never give up on you." He said sadly and left.
"Chris!" I scolded him. I didn't like the way he was glaring at him. Brian helped me sit up.
"Cherry as I was saying, I can't get her out of my head. I don't understand the feelings I have for her. But I know that I'm falling for his sister. The feelings for Nicolas is fading away slowly. I fucking don't know what to do." He used his hands to comb his hair.
"Brian, I'm trying to understand how you feel. But I will advice you to break up with Nicolas or take a break from him to analyze how you feel about them. Maybe you are becoming a straight guy or you are bisexual. I will always support you with the decision you are going to take, whether you are going to continue with Nicolas or start a new relationship with his sister.
His phone began to ring. He panicked, I took the phone from his hand to check the caller. It was his father! He began shaking. I hugged him and assure him that everything is going to be fine. His father called again, this time I encouraged him to pick up.
"Brian, pick up the phone! You are a man not a fucking damn woman! Get hold of yourself! He can't hurt you!" I picked up the call for him.
He excused himself. I pray his father doesn't threaten him again. No matter what he does, he is still his father and his only family member left on earth. Brian's mother died few years ago. She accepted his son for the way he is.
"Sweetheart!" I shouted enough for Chris to hear.
"Yes" he replied blushing.
"Promise me you won't say no." I pouted my face.
" It depends on what you are going to say" he stated.
"Please" I pouted my face again.
"I promise sweetheart" he smiled and it melted my heart. His smile always make me blush.
"Let's go for a walk" I busted out.
"What! You are not fit to roam about" he sounded so concern about me.
"You promised" I wanted to do a happy dance. Because I have got him. He always reject whenever I asked for it.
He helped me sit in the wheelchair. I signaled Brian when we got out of the room. I looked at him again and realized that he was smiling. This is my first time I'm seeing him smile genuinely whiles talking to his father.
We laughed, fought, chatted and kiss the whole time . I think I love him more each day. We are made for each other. I'm always myself whenever I'm with him. I don't have to fake anything.
We were passing through the labour ward. I got curious, I want to enter. Since I can't have babies on my own. I will never come to this place. My eyes became watery.
"Chris, let's go here" I forced myself to look okay.
"Are you sure?" He asked.
"Yes!" I said.
"We entered and looked around. I couldn't control my tears. It breaks my heart that I can't have a baby on my own. I am hoping for a miracle to happen even though it is impossible. I looked at the new born babies. I admired the way they were cute. I saw one particular baby. I think she is a girl. The baby was so beautiful. I wanted to hold her and stopped her from crying.
One of the midwives came and stood besides us.
"The baby over there is so beautiful and cute. I pointed at the baby " I said to Chris.
"Yes, she is." He responded.
"Her mother died when giving birth to her. Apparently her mother was an orphan. Her mother realized that she was pregnant after her father's death. The cute baby has no one. We will be sending her to the orphanage very soon." The midwife sighed after talking.
"Can We adopt her?" I covered my mouth immediately after asking.
"Of course! You have to do the necessary arrangements before you can have her. Thank you both very much. I hope you don't change your minds." She sounded happy and left.
"Chri..." I trailed off.
"I will be very happy if we adopt her." He bended down and kissed me.
I will take care of her like my own. I am trying to process what I am feeling right now. I'm going to be someone's mother.

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